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  1. I live in Canada and with Rogers (so that does exclude the HTC 10, due to it being a Bell exclusive), so that's a nice bonus with the S7! Thanks for the replies! I did hear the the Nexus 6p's Snapdragon 810 was a bit of an issue with some people, but other than that (And not image stabilizing) I hear people are very happy with theirs. And my carrier is having a nice sale on their 6p's, but seeing both of you are enjoying the others more, I will probably look closer to those instead. But for the ones that sound to be the best best for right now sound to be the Samsung S7 & One Plus 3. I do enjoy everything about the S7. The micro SD slot (especially with being stuck with iPhone's capacity only) & that transfer tool both sound very appealing. But the speakers, software, and build quality (glass back) are making me feel a bit nervous? Since I am coming from iOS, I don't know very much about androids & their software. So I don't know what to think about the "bloatware" that Samsung's apparently have. But, since both of you are saying how you enjoy the touch wiz of the Samsung, I really shouldn't worry about that and just dive in, right? The thing with the OP3 is that I would have to spend $520 right now on it, and the samsung IS more money over all, it is spread out on my plan. It sounds a little backwards, but I don't have the most money to throw around right now, and being able to spread the payments out is nice for my current situation. Which is really unfortunate, because I keep hearing how everyone is loving their OP3 ... The main thing for me is to enjoy my transition over to Android, and not feel like it was a mistake. I do feel like being disappointed in the new phone will be hard, seeing that I will have many more options, costs less, and more performance when compared to any iPhone out now lol
  2. I am going to be converting over to android for my next phone, and I am not sure where to begin, I am looking at the HTC 10, Samsung galaxy S7, Oneplus 3, and the Google Nexus 6p for options, and not sure which one to choose. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips, their experiences with the phones, and some advice in the transition.