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About Villain

  • Birthday May 27, 1997

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  1. Unfortunately my 3570k is a complete wimp, most I can get out of it stable is 4.2. The 1080ti is insanely nice but I'm worried about spending all my budget on that with such an older CPU. It seems like games are really starting to utilize more than just 4 cores now so I kind of want to prepare for the future and join the 6 core club.
  2. I actually have about $900 I'm willing to spend but I figured the price of upgrading the cpu/motherboard/ram would surpass my budget given that the 1080 is $500+ and I'm not sure I'd want to settle on a 1070 to make more room for the budget. If anyone has any suggestions on the best cpu/motherboard/ram I can achieve with the extra $400 I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. Current Specs: GTX 780 i5-3570k @ 4Ghz 8GB DDR3 I play games with a 144hz 1080p monitor which makes me worried that the bottlenecking will be severe enough with my current CPU. I will of course upgrade the CPU in the future but I'm wondering if the performance upgrade would still be good enough with my current CPU or if it will end up preventing me from getting much higher frame-rates than my current setup allows.
  4. If you think 1080p is awful then you have some high standards, so I would recommend 4k+.
  5. Wish they would stop going into the future with these games. I guess having it in the future is suppose to make it more fresh, but at this point there are so many future based games that going back to WW2 would actually be fresher :wacko:
  6. There are definitely mod developers out there that do deserve payment for their hard work, but there are even more that do not. With something like this we will have the same issue that is present on the mobile gaming market, which is tons and tons of half-ass'd releases. We will also likely see games that do not have workshop support and thus, no guaranteed income, have smaller and smaller modding communities. Why continue developing a mod you've put hundreds of hours of work into when you can just go and make an easy Skyrim mod and actually make money? In my opinion, the workshop should always have an option to donate; not a requirement. Having donations go through steam wallet makes it extremely easy to do and a lot of people will show their support for the mods that they love the most. Most of those that STILL play Skyrim several years after release are installing upwards of 100 mods and I guarantee most of them will quit if they have to pay even just $1 for every mod.
  7. Honestly, just telling them to binge watch various videos on LTT would probably suffice. There's a lot you can learn just from the build guides.
  8. Cable management. It frustrates me when things look messy, and I'm never satisfied with how my cables look. Next to that would probably be installing everything afterward; even with sites like Ninite it's a chore.
  9. I would probably also guess some kind of Pokemon game would top the piracy charts. Emulators are huge on mobile devices, so I would honestly be surprised if it wasn't. It does suck that Nintendo did what they did, but honestly I thought they would have done it much sooner. Just have to hope they make their own emulator for computers/phones, but that probably won't ever happen
  10. I personally think Metal music sounds awful, but I don't go around calling it shit. People listen to what appeals to their ears. If I want to listen to pots and pans slamming against each other, let me do it in peace - without someone saying something about not knowing what real music is and why this generation sucks.
  11. How often does your frame rate drop? I have similar specs (your 970 is slightly better than my 780) and although I drop occasionally to around 50 when driving in the city I average 65-70. I have most settings at very high with msaax2 and all of the advanced graphic options turned off. The game is quite CPU intensive as well, so make sure you don't have anything crazy running in the background.
  12. The port is actually pretty solid for me, as well as majority of those who have purchased it as far as I know. The only issue you mentioned that I have is stuttering, but it is not nearly as dramatic as you say it is. It's upsetting when people say a game is poorly optimized when their computer is the issue. If I fire up my grandma's dell from 1999 and can't run crysis 3 at 60fps is it really a bad port?
  13. I think it's best to not watch tech channels for their reviews, since majority of them do actually get paid to say certain things. I mainly just watch tech channels to see the product, and to see what kind of specifications and stuff it has. A channel like LinusTechTips for example, generally gives unbiased opinions on their tech reviews and such, but it's not a secret that they have sponsors of which they would prefer to keep good relations with. You should just take what YouTubers say with a grain of salt. The only channels I watch frequently are: LTT, MKBHD, and Austin Evans; but I also occasionally watch Tek Syndicate and Paul's Hardware.
  14. You should be fine running it at low-medium settings. Not sure about exactly how much fps you would get, but I imagine you shouldn't have trouble staying over 30.
  15. Dark Souls 2 (I think the first one is M, but this one is T), Kerbal Space program, Civ 5