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  1. I think I should be good with a 25cm. Thanks again!
  2. This is what I had in mind to begin with because I had heard something about a mount being there already. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA5B56MG6770&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleMKP-PC-_-pla-_-Cables+-+Computer+Power+Extension+Cords-_-9SIA5B56MG6770&gclid=CjwKCAjwma3ZBRBwEiwA-CsblLQoh6opRBtqYHEtdeWO1mPLFNhlAVPo3ec4fHGE8aMQ-eL6641E3xoC84gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  3. I was literally just on their site to buy cables and didnt think to look there.Thanks man!
  4. Which Riser Card do I use with a H500i for a vertical mounted setup? This will be my first time mounting a GPU vertically.
  5. So i currently have an i5 4670k@4.6Ghz on water and a Gigabyte Gtx 1060-6gb and was wandering if it was time for an upgrade on a budget of around 400. I know that If I upgraded to a recent chip I would have to change to DDR4 ram which is very costly at the moment. What is y'alls input?
  6. I am not sure what program to use
  7. So I have an xfx r9 270 that I picked up for 10 bucks as non working and no further tested . It boots to windows, but when you try to install a driver it blackscreens when the driver gets installed and eventually freezes the pc. The reason I know this is because all of my RGB will freeze as well I have reflashed the bios sucessfully multiple time and Now I'm leaning towards one of the memory chips has gone bad, I was wandering if there was a way to reduce the amount of vram the card would use in a custom bios . The guy I bought it from said the he updated the driver one day and this happened and it has happend ever since.I have tried some older drivers and the only one I have had any luck with is the very first driver that was released for this card and it had black horizontal lines through it and eventually froze after being in windows for a few minutes. ANY help is greatly appreciated!!
  8. https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hmtCmG/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2 For air coling https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CrDzK8/corsair-cpu-cooler-cw9060025ww More but one of the best water on the market in my opinion
  9. I think you should consider perfect plasma's Idea I was going to reccomend Ryzen 7 1700 aswell. Good luck!
  10. That's odd I contacted wildcard when I was having problems they didnt asnwer. They only answered when I left a bad review on the windows store
  11. So your staying away from the ryzen 7 series?
  12. I fixed It I just reinstalled the whole game it took forever but it worked.
  13. I have an old r9 270 and it has a few missing parts on the back I believe it it the cause of my driver not working with the device it will work on the basic display driver but, when you install any driver for it it will just black screen instantly I got it to work with the first driver to release for it on windows 7 but it had black lines through it and eventually crashed. Where can I get the parts to fix or is there another way to fix.
  14. Downloaded ark from the windows store I own the full game and all it does it open and close shortly after any fixes?
  15. I tried 14.4 and it had horizontal lines across the screen ( which was supposed to be fixed in the next update 14.9) and it would crash after a minute or 2 and freeze I updated the vga bios but I might try that again.I tried 14.9 and got black screen and freeze seems to only get hope in windows 7 on 14.4 because in windows 10 as soon as the driver installs it starts using it but in 7 it restarts and then uses it .