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> Gets an email from Apple saying there's unusual activity on my account

> Realized the email address that email was sent to hasn't been tied to the Apple account in months.


Feels like I'm the one baiting the phishers.

  1. Bleedingyamato


    At least you know for sure its not a legit email or anything to worry about.  ?



    I've gotten multiple phishing emails in the last 6 months or so at least sent to the correct email for my iTunes account.  


    Thankfully I recognized them as fake and just deleted them.  They looked fake/what they said seemed "off" so it wasn't hard to realize rhey were phishing attempts.  


    Though the worst is criminals pretending to be PayPal.  Ever since I'd signed up for a PayPal account I started getting phishing emails every so often.  A little while back I got like 3 in one day I think it was.  


    I hope it's not illegal to even suggest this but I'd love if there was a way to legally screw with criminals doing this crap.  


    Like you show the email to the police and they send a virus or malware to the criminals disguised as a successful phishing attack against you that if the criminals activated would send their identifying info to police so they could be arrested and nailed to the wall. 


    Phish the phishers.  ? lol


