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  1. Hello everyone, I have been looking at what microphones I could buy with a gaming headset (already have my mind made up for that one). I'm only 15 so I can't afford the best of the best yet. I have taken a look at multiple videos targeting the best microphones (for people on a budget). One that I found relatively good was the "best microphones under 50$" by tech source (if this is considered advertising and therefore not allowed please comment saying so and I'll make sure to edit my post). In this video I realised that when he plugs some of the microphones without an audio interface. Their is some background noise which could be annoying when in a Skype call or others. Is their any way to stop this from happening without buying an audio interface ? Talking about the floureon bm 800 here . (Just in case that's relevant) Thanks in advance,
  2. Downgraded and sadly it did not solve my problem. My phone is still overheating :(. Any other options
  3. Hello evryone , Does anyone know of a rom that would be good when it comes to encryption/security ? My phone is a nexus 5 on kitkat 4.4.4 (in case that matters). Thanks in advance,
  4. Is it good to hear footsteps ?
  5. Hello evryone, So almost two years ago i bought a nexus 5 (beginning september 2014). At first the phone was great. Apps rann fine on it, no glitches whatsoever, so a pretty good phone. But ever since the lollipop update it got ultra messed up. Battery life got terrible (It last about 4 hours on youtube and charging it extra slow when using it. It'll go up by one percent every 5-10 minutes.). Massive overheating problem, it gets so hot so easily. using an app and running 3 apps in the background will get it hot (to a point where it could potentially overheat) in a about 20 minutes. Some apps can't even runn on it, periscope gets my phone heated in a matter of minutes. My nexus will also glitch a lot. Examples: - keyboard stops working - turning on phone and having to press the on button multiple times (it loads infinitely) - when turning on phone i'll sometimes get the "optimising apps" message making boot up alot longer and also heating up the phone masively. Thanks in advance
  6. 6£. Uhm i think i'll pass on that . Either it's a scamm or a bad headset
  7. Alright i'll think go with the hyper x 2 since this is what most people are recommending to me.
  8. Ehm i was really irresponsable when breaking the hyper x 1. (i won't go into details because some of the reasons are a little embarassing). Would the hyper x 2 be able to still work after falling a couple of times ?
  9. I use to have the Hyper X 1 that i broke due to being clumsy. Are the 2 solid ?
  10. Hello everyone, Something solid would be awesome since i am clumsy. Max price would probs be around 100 - 125 euros. Thanks in advance,