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  1. Like I said, if I do it through the windows feature dialogue that's when I get the 0x80073701 error and yes my region and language are both correct
  2. When running the command Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux in powershell running as admin I get the following error after a short while Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The referenced assembly could not be found. At line:1 char:1 + Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows- ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.EnableWindowsOptionalFeatureCommand If I try to enable the subsystem in the windows features dialogue I get an error 0x80073701. Any ideas?
  3. In this example DELIMITER @@ CREATE TRIGGER Test_Trigger AFTER INSERT ON MyTable FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE cmd CHAR(255); DECLARE result int(10); SET cmd=CONCAT('sudo /home/sarbac/hello_world ','Sarbajit'); SET result = sys_exec(cmd); END; @@ DELIMITER ; Would 'Sarbajit' be an argument? So I could put say the 'Discord ID' and 'User Type' field as 2 arguments and they would be passed as the actual users information?
  4. Sorry I wasn't very clear, I was meaning how could I go about getting the data out of the MySQL db on an UPDATE trigger and get it into an argument for the python script?
  5. Do you know how I'd be able to "convert" certain sections of a row within a MySQL table into an argument for the python script?
  6. I am looking to create a discord bot for my server in Python using the Discord.py library. The bot should be able to assign user roles depending on their user type which is set in a MySQL db. (Just some background to the story) I have looked into triggers to trigger the script when a MySQL db is updated, for example when they put their discord username and ID into a field and update their profile. I am a bit stuck on how I could send the discord username and ID along with their user type to the python script on the trigger. Any ideas how I could do this? Thanks
  7. 1) Sorry my explanation was a bit confusing, I'm willing to maintain it and it is the $10 VPS from DigitalOcean, I'm not 100% sure what CI/CD is but if I was going to go down the road of having my own private git server I'd most likely just rent the $5 from DigitalOcean or the cheapest from a different company. 2) I don't really get why I was asking that, I think I was trying to ask about repositories and having my different developers only being able to access certain repositories at a time, but of course thats possible. Thanks
  8. Just for future reference, if I either rent a server or use my Pi, would I be able to do everything I want to on the server. So track changes, assign different users their own accounts with separate permissions, push to a different server running my website etc.
  9. Good news https://medium.com/a-swift-misadventure/how-to-setup-your-raspberry-pi-2-3-with-ubuntu-16-04-without-cables-headlessly-9e3eaad32c01
  10. I would want to go for a paid plan but I just don't have the funds to afford them. I have a team of about 5 devs which, even with just the smallest package, means that I'll be paying $45 per month, which I just cannot at all afford
  11. I'm looking into ways to improve workflow for multiple developers on a webserver. Git is currently the most promising method at the moment to help track changes to files etc. but I have a few questions.Firstly I am currently running an Ubuntu VPS with Apache 2 installed and I'm not sure what would be better; either renting a second cheap VPS and setting up a private git server on that or just storing all our files on GitHub. I get that using GitHub would be cheaper but I'd prefer to not have all of my work out on the public domain.Secondly if I went down the road of using git how would I be able to only allow users access to edit certain files at a time rather than have access to edit every file in my repository
  12. Hi, Can anyone recommend a good 27-inch gaming monitor or 4k monitor for under US$200 (£150) Thanks