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  1. Hey guys, I just recently watched Linus' video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuJYMCbIbPk, and realized that I have a more than capable rig for such a thing. At least I feel I should. The goal of this build is to prolong me actually having to spend the full amount to buy my wife a decent gaming rig, which would be receiving a few parts from mine anyhow. So first, my hardware (which I already own): http://pcpartpicker.com/p/gh8Yyc What I want to do is this - Use the samsung ssd for whatever VM software I would need. Linus used UNRaid, but that appears to run primarily off of a USB drive, so if there is a better option, I will go that route. I then want to have 2 virtual machines, both windows 10 (I have keys for 2 copies). One copy will be installed on one kingston ssd, with 1 hdd for storage, some usb ports, one video card, 16gb of ram, etc. The other copy will have pretty much the same thing. It seems this is pretty close to what Linus did, if I'm not mistaken. I just know so little about VMs that I'm not sure if I'm missing something in his video. And, I'm not sure where to start for what I would like to do. It seems like such a simple concept in theory, but all the info I've looked at suggests otherwise. Is there particular software that you would suggest for this type of thing that would support hardware pass-through like I'm wanting? Would you mind pointing me in the direction of some sources I can use to better my understanding of how hardware passthrough works and VM software in general? Could this be a relatively permanent solution, especially considering that this is only for gaming, and not professional applications? Also, since I own all of this hardware already, is this a reasonable scenario to put it through, or have I let my imagination get the better of me here? BONUS: If this whole thing is possible, and I got it to work, is there a way I could switch to SLI on one of the virtual machines and enable all CPU cores if the other virtual machine was stopped/disabled/disconnected? And then vice-versa when that virtual machine was started again? Or is there a way to turn off unraid for a little while and game with all hardware enabled for just myself, then switch back with little hassle? I know I am asking a ton, but I also know that this community is extremely awesome, so I just want to tell y'all I appreciate your time and any insight you may have into this. Thanks in advance.