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Looks like the power outages / brownouts from the earthquake killed (or damaged severely) one of my beloved, IPS 1600x900 Samsung monitors that I bought back in '11. FeelsBadMan.


It's not dead, it still works, but it turns off and restarts from time to time and sometimes just goes black and into static.


Maybe there was a problem with damage on the display side though? Not that I can RMA my card xD

  1. vanished


    Get a UPS :) 

    Honestly we have really reliable power here (well, moreso than it used to be) but I still like the piece of mind of knowing I'm protected from outages, weird voltage fluctuations like you experienced, etc.  No matter how good it is most of the time there's no way to predict these random events and better to be protected than not I figure

  2. Energycore


    I should but I have low-ish budget for any electronics that I buy atm
