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  1. Yes even I know it's better, but none are in my price range.
  2. I'd like to purchase everything from one store. I appreciate the help
  3. I live near a micro center, but I don't have the time to drive there. It's unfortunate. Also, I'm not looking to overclock.
  4. I would like 16g, not including my current 8. Is that the only difference between the 2 MBs?
  5. I'm looking to invest in upgrades for my computer matching up to (or around $50 over) $400. I'm not sure on what processor to get and I'm kind of clueless on motherboards. I render videos and use Photoshop A LOT, but I sometimes play games. I have a 750w PSU and a GTX 760 windforce edition. I'm debating on a FX 8350 or an i5-4690k. I want to go intel because of hyperthreading, but the extra cores of AMD are tempting. I'm clueless on motherboards, honestly. I'm not going to SLI anything. Also, what's the difference between mATX and ATX? RAM I would like 16gb. I currently have 8GB but have no clue what brand it is as it's not on the stick. (I bought this computer from someone) Any help would be absolutely amazing. I'm a new member and I'm sure the Linus community is great