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  1. So I have custom built computers for a long time, and in all my builds, the CPU that I ALWAYS use is an AMD CPU. I have long been a loyal fanboy of AMD for a while, but recently I have heard a lot about Intel CPU's from my friends, specifically regarding their core i3, i5, and i7 chipsets. I would like to put together a custom build for myself, but while I have an understanding of the AMD chipset, I know close to nothing at all about Intel chipsets. I was looking around at different games for PC, most specifically the Witcher 3. Looking at the minimum specs, I see that the CPU should at least, be a core i5 2500K @ 3.3 GHz. A friend of mine has an i5 4590 and says it works on his. I see that the i5 4590 is less expensive, and seems to be a more budget friendly CPU, compared to the i5 2500. Could anybody please link me to an article, or a video please, explaining the difference in Intel chip sets so I can see what chip sets are best for what. While I have been googling for a while now about them, I have come to no real discernible conclusion yet. Thanks in advance for any help.