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    This is my temporary account until my original account is reset. If anyone is wondering, yes I did contact an admin but gave him the wrong username so I replied back to the email.

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  1. Its a good idea as I'm a little behind on it but reading week is next week so that'll give me time to catch up. Maybe this is life saying here's a f**k up, learn from this and move on. I'm trying to think positively but its really hard. From what my friend said that was out a job for a while was it sucks really bad but you'll get through it. The tough times are in between jobs. Thanks man. It's glad to know that someone 2 countries south can be going through some hard times but still keep going. I think it'll get over it after today when I talk to one of my managers to see if there's any chance to get my job back and prove myself worthy to them. The goal is to be happy, got you on that one. I just need to do what you said, search for the things that will make me happy and hold onto them. Also, hug back from Canada to Mexico I know life has it's ups and downs, but its the downs that is the hardest to overcome. I'm trying to stay positive but its difficult. I'll definitely have to check out the career programs at my college, hopefully they have a summer job or something. I'll also be doing that as I don't want credit debt. I got it from being careless with my credit card and now I'm having to pay it off slowly. That sucks man. I heard LA is a pricy place to live. I don't know how long it'll take me to get over but I sure hope so it will take less than a week. Thanks man and good luck finding a job man.
  2. Thank you so much for the advice guys. It means so much to me that even people I haven't met before can care/give advice. @Spartancloud I'm trying to not touch the savings as it was meant as a college fund (to pay off student debt) but I'm updating my resume tomorrow and applying at every job that's hiring. I don't mind outdoor work but I think that isn't possible for part-time work, seems like its more of a full-time job. @thevicparable I'm trying to keep my chin up but its harder than you think. And I totally understand from you, its hard. I'm trying my best to keep myself happy and the depression is at bay. I'm trying to focus more on school so hopefully that will help. Again, thank you both for the advice
  3. So recently I lost my part-time job and it has hit me really hard. Currently, I'm in college and have bills (cell phone, internet, secondary-insurance [parents car - live with them], and credit card debt [~$600]) that need to be paid. I got some savings saved up that will last me a couple months if it comes down to that, but I'm hoping to find a new job before I have to touch it. Also, this happened on Saturday and didn't tell my mom until today through text and talking to them later today after my classes. And, for people wondering why I didn't tell them right away. I was emotionally unstable. I cried for 40 minutes straight on the phone with my girlfriend and have been crying everyday now. She told me to tell my parents when I was ready (which is true in my situation) and at the time my mom was at work and I couldn't hold it any longer. I just need some advice, any really. I have anxiety and depression, and the depression has been worse lately because of it. I know times will get better and the hardest part is getting to that better point, but its easier said than done. Also, I'm from ON, Canada and the job market is crap at the moment. Any help with be greatly appreciated. UPDATE: I was able to talk to my parents about it and they're mad and disappointed, which they should be. They said they aren't going to be helping me financially because I got myself fired and it wasn't like I got laid off because of low/cut hours, which I do understand. I just got to keep thinking positively and move on with my life. Take it as a lesson and move on. Who knows, maybe this is life saying here's a f**k up, now learn from it. And, I know it'll probably be through many jobs before I find the right one (career/job wise). Thank you all for the support! If I could I would hug all of you (:
  4. This is my temp account until my original account is reset, already contacted an admin.
