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  1. as long as its atleast 12GB im fine and ive done display swaps before so can probaby change out the display if its that bad
  2. I dont need a GPU, 12-16GB RAM is my range(more is ok), TB3 is necessary, my budget is around 1.75k though i can do 2k if necessary the ability to upgrade storage is a must for me, i dont care about upgrading networking if it already comes with an intel nic I will update the main post to reflect the information i forgot to provide thank you
  3. USA Under 2k but preferably under 1.75k 6-7hrs min battery life though i would love more 1.8kg (~4lbs) is my max weight
  4. college mostly as for the thermal issues im probaby going to use one of the thermal grizzly solutions and fujipoly pads
  5. Out of the 3 Laptops I want (Dell XPS 15, Thinkpad T490 and T480) which should i go for With the 480 its cheapest and has longest battery life with the 490 its smallest (with the exception of thinness) and lightest The XPS has the largest screen and is thinnest but has thermal issues
  6. no worries ill probably format the post better
  7. yes however theres a 20% performance difference according to the Egpu.io buyers guide
  8. Is there an available thin and light that supports 2 NVMe drives i'm going to use one for an egpu and the other for an SSD in all fairness i could use one for a sata drive meaning i only need one NVMe drive and one Preferences 8-10hr battery life No dedicated graphics card anywhere from a 13-15 inch screen
  9. oh dear thats one hell of a typo, 13.6Nm is what i meant
  10. i don't know i don't have the results yet but i'm hypothesizing about 136Nm
  11. oh im using it to lock a knee into 180 degrees and then im going to electronically unlock it
  12. im looking for a hinge type that locks at 180 degrees and unlocks either when the electric and/or physical resistance exceeds a certain point does anyone know of something like this