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  1. Multiple website sites said it'll have remove able battery and sd slot. But 32gb is plenty for me beacuse right now I got 16gb lol
  2. True but note 5 and note 6 are almost it not the same. Barley bigger screen (sd card slot) which is whatever it has 32-64gb which is enough and removal battery which I've had iPhone so remove able battery is practical but my phone works perfectly which is iPhone 5s
  3. Well I own the iPhone 5s now and I've never had android but a friend showed me his which was amazeing and blew me away compared to simple apple device.so idk and I always use a case beacuse I don't want to drop my phone
  4. Which phone would you buy? Or that you already own.why and why not? Tell me reasons why you own it or why you would buy it. Beacuse I need help choosing ty
  5. That is true I'd rather 200-250 rather then 10. Also I love where you can use rechargeable batteries which is very easy to install and it has 8 buttons for MMO also. Do you know anything about Logitech G710+ Brown switch keyboard?
  6. So 602 is also wireless but the battery life is better and sensor? Have you owned them both or?602>$60 700>$45
  7. Okay how about the Logitech G710+ keyboard know any information about it?
  8. As the topic suggest, I'm asking if this mouse is worth buying. Do you own it or have used it and what do you think about it? Pros and cons? Tell me please your opinion so I know to buy it or not tyvm https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00BFOEY3Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1453664444&sr=8-1π=SY200_QL40&keywords=Logitech+700+mouse&dpPl=1&dpID=417mTvPDEML&ref=plSrch