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  1. Hey guys, I want a cheap laptop for work (programming mainly) and would be great if it can do a bit of gaming on the side! I found the P50 to offer a nice overall package. Here in Germany I can get it used (refurbished) with 16GB ram for 500-600 Euros. The difference is for 500 Euros I get the Nvidia M1000M quadro and for 600 Euros I get the Nvidia M2000M quadro. Does that sound like a good deal? Is the extra 100 Euros worth it? If I am doing something completely wrong and you have a better idea/deal in mind please share them with me. thanks!
  2. Sorry I misread the list to mean only RM 2013 is Tier A, and another comment that was talking about RM 2019 and Tier D. I am relieved it is Tier A. Thank you
  3. Hey guys. My current PSU, a Corsair vengance 650m seems to be dying (pc restarts in games). I ordered a new PSU (Corsair RM750) as it was just 99,90€ on amazon.de. Then I read that the RM series is a tier 3 PSU (whatever that means) and not recommended. Is that true? I am running an i7 2600k with a 980 ti. Planning to upgrade to 2070 Super some time. Thanks
  4. Hello Everyone. I have an old acer 1080p IPS monitor and have been looking to upgrade! I want to have a 1440p high refresh rate monitor, preferably with Gsync mostly for gaming and work. I am ok with a 16:9 monitor or an ultrawide. The options for me at my max budget of 500 Euros: BenQ EX3203R : 400 Euros https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07DVQ6Z8R?tag=commconn_de_1017_101576-21&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&smid=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF AOC CQ32g1 : 360 Euros https://www.amazon.de/AOC-CQ32G1-DisplayPort-2560x1440-Free-Sync/dp/B07NPHZQTP/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=3LVNHJGFOPEET&dchild=1&keywords=aoc+cq32g1&qid=1585426861&s=computers&sprefix=AOC+cq%2Ccomputers%2C173&sr=1-1 LG 27GL83A-B: 480 Euros (Is it worth going down to 27" for this monitor?) https://www.amazon.de/LG-27GL83A-B-UltragearTM-Monitor-schwarz/dp/B07XVYGWSM/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=lg+ultragear+gl850&qid=1585427215&s=computers&sr=1-2 If anyone has any suggestions of better monitors please tell me. Also do u guys know why the BenQ is so cheap? does it have bad performance or smth? It seems to have great specs unless I missed smthin! Thanks
  5. @deXxterlab97 thanks, swaped to cx550m was better deal than 450 @SamStrecker yeah but all Ryzens are out of budget for me. I'm just wondering if the i5 7500 will drop in price or not!!
  6. Hey everyone, I am planning to build this gaming pc for a friend of mine. Here is the list of parts I've recommended. https://de.pcpartpicker.com/user/ahmed.atteya/saved/KPhBmG The budget is around 1000 €. So if u have any suggestions I would love to hear them. The more important question I have is should we wait till AMD Ryzen is out? I know they are all out of the budget but will they force Intel to reduce pricing? or that would take too long? thanks and looking forward to hearing your thoughts. ps. sorry if I posted in the wrong place. wasn't sure
  7. @ivan134 What do you mean there wont be any duplicated frames? My understanding is that for 144 Hz (non-Gsync/free sync) monitors you draw a new frame on the screen 144 times per sec. That means you check ur video input 144 times per sec and draw the frame that's available there. now if GPU is producing 100 then some frames will be drawn twice because the GPU didn't have time to update them. Or am I missing something?? Just curios
  8. Hey Guys, My old GPU is dying so I wanna upgrade but I'm unsure which one to buy so I wanna check if there are pros to 1070 over 980 ti?? I could get a 980 ti for 350 Eur used. The cheapest new 1070 costs 450 Eur. However I think the 1070 would be a smarter choice for the long term as I usually stick with a GPU until it dies. Is there more advantages to the 1070 other than pure FPS? I'm gonna use it with a 1080p monitor for now but I think I heard there are new features in the 10xx series of GPUs such as super sampling and stuff like that. Do these features justify the cost?? any thoughts/insight? thx
  9. 1060s cannot be run in SLI. go 1080 even if u could
  10. you could easily get a used gtx 970 off ebay for that amount with great performance, maybe even a 980.
  11. Now I'm pretty unsure which card to buy!! Just invest in a GTX 1070 in case in a year or two I get VR or just stick with 1060 as my monitor is 1080p ??
  12. Thanks. I did that and as soon as the driver was reinstalled it froze again. It's strange that it worked fine in the time of having no driver.. I also tried to use an older driver (March) Incase the issue is new but no luck. I guess that means the card is dying and I have to invest in a new one. Or could it still be the OS?? Thanks for all ur help, at least this way I can uninstall the driver and have a stable PC with internet.
  13. The pic below is just before the PC froze showing these artifacts in the pic above. And as soon as the game starts running.