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  1. oh, I must be thinking of the D15. I've gone a bit part-blind aha
  2. Cheers for the quick responses guys! That silencio case can support 240mm rad but that on the intakes, but drawing in preheated air that should be cooling the case doesn't really make much sense to me. And like I said /\ /\ the larger air coolers aren't gunna fit.
  3. The issues is that the larger air coolers like the dark rock 3 and the nh-d14 won't fit in the case. And I do like the case, I want to go compact. And I already have the gpu and the psu in my current tower, I'm just moving them over.
  4. Hi Just about to start my first build, I haven't bought any parts yet but the case I have chosen supports a 120mm radiator. My build: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/bW9Dt6 My question is, Is a 120mm radiator big enough to cool the 4790k? Its clocks at 4.0 so I'm not looking to overclock it, I haven't done much overclocking and I don't see the point right now at the cpu will be quite a step up. I like the look of these coolmaster neptune 120xl https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rln12x24pkr1 silverstone T03 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Silverstone-Tundra-Water-Cooler-2x120mm/dp/B00DH9DUDA Done anyone have any experience with these at all? I think I am leaning towards the coolmaster at the moment. Cheers Andy