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  1. I'm currently on Windows 10 The -threads 4 didnt do anything noticeable, however the multicore rendering boosted me up about 20 frames. Not the optimal framerate but it will have to do till I get enough money to buy a much better CPU. Thanks everyone!
  2. Probably should have mentioned this but I get about the same results with everything turned down as I do with everything except AA on max
  3. I tend to play CSGO a fair bit and decided a 144hz monitor would be good. However, i realized my framerates aren't ideal. I used to get around 60-70 at worst and 150 at best in CSGO. Other games run buttery smooth at high framerates. I decided to try Overclocking my CPU. Since I dont have the best of the best coolers, I overclocked it to 4.0 Ghz and stability tested it. However, I saw little to no improvement in the game. I can only assume my 770 isnt the issue. If an upgraded CPU is absolutely needed, what would be the best path to go down? Thanks in advance