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  1. i have been looking at your comments guys and i really like the fact that i can plug a mic into the Syba thingy and the RCA lines but aesthetically it looks kinda ugly and its going to sit on my desk and is the sound quality from the syba gonna "bottleneck" the 900x? i know the 900x dont have a very high impedance so im not worried about that part of it
  2. is the fiio e10k driverless that is something i great appreciate ^^
  3. yeah i tried pluging my old beats studio into the back and it still makes a ton of noise i have also tried with some small razer speakers and its still there and its really annoying i almost have to have some music or something playing to make it less audible
  4. so i was planninf on getting a pair of Audio Technica ATH-AD900x but i only have my shitty on board sound with a lot of static noise so i looked into the AMP+DAC combo from Mayflower Electronics i dont know if its overkill or not im kinda new to all of this high end audio stuff my tought were that if it is very overkill i could have it forever basicly and use it for future upgrades with speakers and stuff or should i get something else??? teach me senpais