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  1. Thanks didnt know that. Good thing 1866 mhz ram is cheaper
  2. Thanks for the help! I think i will go with the gigabyte ga-970a-ud3p because its the cheapest and its good enough to last me 3-4 years. Then i will probably need a new cpu and ram and a new motherboard.
  3. Hi My cpu is fx 6300 and my gpu is r7 370. Now i need a motherboard. Someone also suggested i get 2400 mhz ram so if the motherboard supported that also it would be nice. Also as you can see im on a budget build.
  4. Ok lets say i go with the 6300. You said i should get ddr-3 2400 ram. So lets say i do it. Now, is that motherboard you recommended good for overclocking? Should i get 212 evo to cool the cpu? Or should i run everything on stock?
  5. So the 860k is better in older/newer games that only use 4 cores. But the 6300 is better in newer games that use more cores. I heard somewhere that the release of dx 12 will make games use more cores... is this true?
  6. Mostly gaming. But would the 6300 be enough if i add another r7 370 in the future?
  7. That is a good build.. here it would cost 240-250 euros. Why does an older cpu perform better than a newer one?
  8. The athlon x4 860k sounds good.. any particular reason to use it? And will it be the bottleneck in my pc when i run modern games? Edit: intel parts cost a lot where i live.
  9. Hi I have an asus strix r7 370 with 4 gb ram and now i need a cpu to go with it. I was thinking about getting fx 6300 or fx 8350. I know that the fx 8350 is better but my questio is, is it worth it the extra $$$ because i dont have a big budget... Take into account that prices in my country are higher and that i had to pay 200 euros for that graphic card..