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  1. So with the parts listed I will be able to just get them and start building the pc? I will be able to connect to wifi as well?
  2. No cpu cooler and reddit microsoft swap?
  3. I Have a mouse but I might need a keyboard
  4. Also yes an operating system would be nice to have, I live in the US
  5. A monitor would also be necessary.
  6. Hello my name is Sammy and I have been trying hard to learn how to make a computer and I have watched so many videos but I'm not sure what computer parts to buy. I've gone to pcpartpicker and such but I am still not sure what to do. My budget is 800-1,000 dollars and as linus says I would like to get the biggest bang for my buck. If you guys have any suggestions on what is needed I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.