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  1. Hello After my friend experienced a hard drive failure and lost all his Windows data, I decided I need to get my backups sorted. I have a Windows laptop with 256gb, desktop pc with 5 >3Tb and a Ubuntu server with >300gb data. The server is always on as it hosts Teamspeak and various other projects. I also have a possibility to set up old pc as an offsite backup 200km away but have no real idea what to run on it. I can haul the offsite pc to my home for an initial backup. I am also thinking that the offsite server will be on only when I need it. I am thinking of buing two 4tb drives, one for local backup and one for the offsite. My main question is, what should I do? I am thinking of running FreeNAS locally on VM either on the server or on my pc and then weekly copying it to the offsite server. How well does FreeNAS handle cloning data to other FreeNAS instances and how well does it run on VM? Or should i just copy everything to my Windows desktop and then backup that to the FreeNAS? And how would i actually clone the data to the offsite backup?
  2. Even if it is spanned raid? Shame to move over terabyte of data to usb 2 external hard drive :wacko:
  3. I have used same computer thru 3 different windows verison and as you can guess, computer has been getting little slow and full. So now i decided install fresh os but i want to keep my games and other stuff. My configuration is 240gb ssd for os and two 1tb hard drives. I want to merge those two disks together so i would have one ssd and 2tb drive, but i dont wanna lose my data on those two hard drives. Does windows raid setup empy disks or am i safe?