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About Nezq

  • Birthday August 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Budgetbuilder - Saving as much money as I can :D
    Editing Videos (Sony Vegas, After Effects)
  • Biography

    Xbox-> PC-> Laptop-> PC
  • Occupation


  • CPU
    I5 3470 with Akasa Venom Voodoo
  • RAM
    8GB DRR3
  • GPU
    EVGA GTX 660
  • Case
    crappy loud 25€ Case
  • Storage
    120GB SSD + 500GB HDD
  • Display(s)
    24" BenQ
  • Cooling
    WARM 'n LOUD
  • Keyboard
    Sidewinder X4
  • Mouse
    Mionix Castor
  • Sound
    Selfbuild 2.1 Sound System - 300Watt RMS
  • Operating System
    Win7 64-bit
  1. Hey, I was just wondering if i could turn my Panasonic Viera TX-L32EW30 into a real smart TV. Is it possible? thx for replies
  2. I'ld probably go with a Lenovo. Best Bang for your Buck. Maybe a Y700.
  3. Most of the time you will probably game. Wouldnt you? So go with the 4590
  4. Trust me. Rethink your idea of a gaming laptop. Do you already have a gaming Rig?
  5. Depends on many different things. Are you on a budget? Do you mind in future upgradeability? Do you only game or also editing?
  6. I meant we have to wait some years before another great GTA is released.
  7. I can play it. Specs down there. If you dont mind, turning down some graphics you can totally play it. There wont be a GTA in near future so maybe you should have a look into it.
  8. I got it on my Sidewinder X4 Too. and it was released in 2011.
  9. Yeah, you should go with an used one. Just try to get the best you can.
  10. "AOMEI Backupper" worked fine for me - no advertisement
  11. But there are indeed some people, telling the truth. And if you are able to keep the costs as low as possible you can be proud of yourself.
  12. Are you using HDMI? maybe switch to Displayport.
  13. Yeah, but thats the problem. She does not want to lose all of her pictures and stuff.
  14. Hello, my girlfriend upgraded her Win8.1 to Win10 but now after the login-screen there is only blackscreen with the mouse.