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  1. Now should I stick to console gaming or should I get a gaming laptop? What is your guys opinion on that? Or maybe even build a small itx build? I'd want a gtx 980ti though.
  2. Hey, Everyone, I am currently an Army AIT student living in a small barracks room. Our policy restricts the size of our tv/monitors down to 24'' (Debatably). Now I am used to playing on a 50'' plasma back home which is alright. I am a goon for eye candy. I can play Xbox One and ps4 games here. So what I was thinking is either getting a decent gaming monitor, a projector, or a new gaming laptop. I am planning on playing games like fallout 4, bo3, battle front, gta5, skyrim, and games similar to these. Again, being a goon for eye candy I want the best picture available and to be able to play games at 60 fps in at least fhd with maxed settings. I do play skyrim modded too, so if I was to get a laptop, it would have to be able to crank out the beef for that. Any input or ideas for my situation would be appreciated, and I'll answer any questions that I can. Thanks!