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  1. Someone told me dont learn Python in codecademy because its older or something, it there any places (free or paid) that have all upgraded tutorials anyone can recommend? Thanks Nelius
  2. I'm learning tutorials on building themes from scratch, This tutorial from Lynda shows a program Bitnami, I was using it but for some reaon I can't proceed with adding it with another program called Prepros because I do not connect to any ports. It just shows this: localhost/wordpress and theirs is localhost:8000/wordpress it's hard to find if anyone has any same problem because I don't find nothing over google that anyone else has this problem besides them being stuck on port 80.
  3. I'm wondering if i am wasting time going from CSS to CSS2 to CSS3 or can I learn everything i need to know just on CSS3 by its self? Same for HTML - HTML5.
  4. Wow, thank you for centuries! And about this violating licences he is doing, what do you mean and how do you figure that out?
  5. This guy has this typing animation that, for the life of me, I cannot figure out! I did all kinds of web inspection on his site for hours and the closest thing i found out is that it something to do with "@keyframes", "-moz" & "-webkit" https://www.isaumya.com/ I sent him a email, but he says that he is against "free help" :wacko: ... so whatever. I'm sure the people here are okay with spreading a little bit of knowledge so one day I can do the same.
  6. Wow, looks like I got set with a whole plan in less than 10 minutes! Hopefully I'll be able to handle it from here thank to you guys! Time to hit a couple coding school sites, library books, and Tutorials! Thank you guys so much! And if any of you have recommendations on Coding school sites, YouTube Channels, ect. before I find them please let me know! Also, as for front end, what design tools are mainly used? I hear a lot of Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop are the main ones to have.
  7. Another quick question, as fat as these go, which of the languages are more for Front-end and which are more Back-end? Just to have a more general Idea. HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript PHP/SQL jQuery Java Python C++ Bootstrap Ruby on Rails Wordpress
  8. Ah yes, I forgot to add these as well! Thank you for the reminder, so adding in these 2 and as Mart said, Does this seem to be in a good order? HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript PHP/SQL jQuery Java Python C++ Thank you so much for the knowledge! I'm glad that you added that The others are not as important so i can keep more of my focus and memory on the more important languages. I replied to Valdy with his input as well, so I'll ask you the same in how does this look: (*) = just learning the basic knowledge of them HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript PHP/SQL jQuery Java Python C++ Ruby on Rails* Wordpress* Ah! Thank you for this! I wasn't aware I'd be responded to in such a fast manner either! :lol:
  9. Hello everyone at LTT! I'm Nelius, and I'm new here. I have newly found desire of becoming a Computer Programmer/Freelancer. I have a couple questions for anyone that will be alright with answering: 1. Is it better to master one set of skills, let's say, Becoming a Master/Expert at being a Front-end developer? Or will someone be of more value who obtains a Average knowledge of both Front-end and Back-end sides of Computer programming? I'm jumping into this freely so i may be dreaming in wanting to learn all of these computer languages, I'm not sure, I will give it my best shot however! (so for question 2): 2. I want to learn these: HTML HTML5 CSS CSS3 Wordpress JavaScript Java PHP jQuery SQL Bootstrap Ruby on Rails I know it will take a while to acquire the knowledge to learn all of these, But I will be putting in all my time and focus till I understand them. So with these listed, would someone be able to list in which order I should learn them to make it any easier? Thank you guys! Wish me the best in my programming journey!