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  1. The Cool n00B

    The Cool n00B

    Rafael Edward Cruz is a Texas-accented clown-voiced racist homophobic tit nugget.

  2. Chrysolite


    How so, Mr. The Cool Noob? What makes you say that (looking at you TRUMP!)?

  3. The Cool n00B

    The Cool n00B

    How tf is Linus following you WTF?!?!?!


    Cruz and Trump are both awful.

  4. Chrysolite


    First: Yez, I haz no clu wai Lienus is following meh.

    Second: Why do you think Ted is awful? What'd he do to you?

  5. The Cool n00B

    The Cool n00B

    Nothing to me, he's just a racist homophobe, a combination that I hate more than the Devil himself. Admittedly, less on the racism thing than homophobia. Also, anyone who calls on God for help making tough decisions (I'm looking at you Jeb!, you wank) needs to grow tf up OH MY GAWD THERE'S SO MUCH WRONG WITH THAT!!!!11!!!!!!1!!11!!!1111!!!!

  6. Chrysolite


    Umm, huh? Why is asking God for guidance bad?

  7. The Cool n00B

    The Cool n00B

    I'm not saying it's bad per se (I do it all the time, even though I'm agnostic). I'm saying it's bad when, as president, Jeb! would do so. There's so many well known reasons why such a thing is bad, Google it.


    To bring up another point, one of my big pet peeves is when people call the US a democracy. It's not. It's a Republic. Look it up. I'm right. Benjamin Franklin himself called the US a Republic, because that's what it is. At the very least, it's a representative democracy (which is pretty much a republic anyway).

  8. Chrysolite


    Umm, everyone says that it's a democracy (it kinda stuck after a while, so yeah... though we agree, 'kay?) and besides, it's not like he's imposing Christianity on everyone, far from it. It's just a show of trust in God, something much appreciated by many, scorned by others. But it's very effective among faith-based voters. And I likes it.


    Also, racist homophobe? Please elaborate.

  9. The Cool n00B

    The Cool n00B




    Another thing that makes Rafael (Ted) dangerous, is he knows how to get shit done. He's a senator, unlike Donald, so he knows the ins and outs and shit.

  10. Chrysolite


    Umm, you do realize that these are biased opinion articles, right? (Especially the second one, which just seems to be the typical hit piece; this happens all the goddamn time) The second one claims that Ted's statement about vilification is wrong, when it is actually referring to something different. The same Obama who "condemns" violence against our men and women in blue is the same Obama who openly praises Black Lives Matter, you know, the same group that SUPPORTS law enforcement violence. That's what Ted is referring to. Also, Christians believe that being openly gay (as in banging, yes, banging with people of the same gender) is a sin, and that the Left is trying to impose a contradicting belief on us, and that's what Ted is trying to prevent: the infringement of the 1st Amendment as it was meant to be interpreted (although that pastor is pretty weird; the death penalty? Seriously? -_- ).
