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  1. Thxn y'all becoz of u guys ive made my mind for the 970 (and yes I'll play at 1080p)
  2. Dude ur sure bout this .....I mean is the $160 difference worth the 390
  3. Guys I'm so confused between the gtx 970 or the and r9 390 after the whole dx12 incidence plz help to pick one for my new build but know this that in my country (India) the r9 390 retails for $560 and the 970 retails for $424 on amazon ......thnx
  4. Thnx a lot guys it really sorted things out .......I'm gonna stick around these forums you guys do a great job here it is really helping me .....thnx y'all
  5. Guys I'm building a new PC build and I want to run all AAA titles at 60fps max my budget is in Indian currency so please bear with it it is around 100k rupees and also I'm very confused between i5 6600k and 4690k plz help me guys ......thnx