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  1. Ifconfig https://pastebin.com/ZC85UEVU
  2. network interfaces https://pastebin.com/fufAuiFJ
  3. I only have 1 network card but can't I fake to make it look like two network cards to make this work?
  4. I am trying to get a CentOS kvm and Ubuntu (host) to recognize each other over the network. I've been searching for about two weeks now and found no solution to my issue: The guest can ping the host, but the host can't ping the guest.
  5. I have managed to install Windows 10 , using a different laptop. Swapped the hard drives. Installed the OS, and then put the each hard drive where it was belonging. I guess it is an issue with that laptop or the bios. Thanks guys !
  6. Update: I have tested the Boot CDs on a different laptop and they all work. At this point I do not know what to do.
  7. I tried the media creation tool, and Magic ISO.
  8. Alright. I have tried a different CD and I got the same error. But it looks like it can read things like my GParted Live CD. But the Windows 7 cd that worked fine before does not seem to work anymore.
  9. The thing is that this laptop does not support USB boot.
  10. Thank you for the advice. I will try that now.
  11. Hello guys !, I recently wiped my laptop to prepare it for a clean Windows 10 install. I prepared a CD with Windows 10 on it , but whenever I try to boot from it it tells me "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key". Also I tried booting both legacy and UEFI mode. Same issue. Thanks in advance
  12. Hello, I am working on a project where I want to load an xml from local storage but I can't quite manage to do it. ( Action Script below in tags) If anyone knows how I can fix this please reply ! Thanks! stop(); var nextIds:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var xmlData:XML = new XML(); var xmlAry:Array = new Array(); var xmlURL:Array = new Array(); //String serverURL = "http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml"; // Online file ( Not being used atm) //xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML); //xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml")); /* import flash.filesystem.*; //var urlString:String = "http://MAINWEBSITEIP/images/timetable/liceul/Classes/9A.JPG"; var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString); var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream(); var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded); urlStream.load(urlReq); function loaded(event:Event):void { urlStream.readBytes(fileData,0,urlStream.bytesAvailable); writeAirFile(); } function writeAirFile():void { var file:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("ICHB/Classes/9A.JPG"); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(fileData,0,fileData.length); fileStream.close(); trace("The file is written."); } */ import flash.filesystem.*; import flash.events.MouseEvent; // timetable.xml URL , FULL URL //var urlString:String = "http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml"; var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString); var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream(); var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded); urlStream.load(urlReq); function loaded(event:Event):void { urlStream.readBytes(fileData, 0, urlStream.bytesAvailable); writeAirFile(); } function writeAirFile():void { // Path for file storage var file:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("TIMETABLE/timetable.xml"); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(fileData, 0, fileData.length); fileStream.close(); trace("The file is written."); } xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML); xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("file:///storage/emulated/TIMETABLE/timetable.xml")); // Tried "TIMETABLE/timetable.xml" only too. hafta.visible=false; credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openCredits); function openCredits(Event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(2); } cikis.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,Exit1); function Exit1(Event:MouseEvent):void { NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit(); } function LoadXML(e:Event):void { xmlData = new XML(e.target.data); //trace("toplam ogretmen sayisi:",xmlData.teachers.teacher.length()); var harfElements:XMLList = xmlData.teachers.teacher; trace("toplam ogretmen sayisi:",harfElements.length()); var len:int = harfElements.length(); //liste.prompt = "Select Teacher"; for(var i:uint=0;i<len;i++) { xmlAry.push(xmlData..teacher.@isim[i]); xmlURL.push(xmlData..teacher[i]); liste.addItem( { label: xmlAry[i], data:i } ); liste.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, action); var harfElement:XML = harfElements[i]; var idString:String = harfElement.@id; var id:int = parseInt(idString); nextIds[i] = id; } } function action (e:Event):void { var no:Number = Number(liste.selectedItem.data); var id:int = nextIds[e.target]; logo.visible=false; hafta.visible=true; var harfElementMatch:XMLList = xmlData.teachers.teacher.(@id==id); var harfElement:XML = xmlURL[no]; baslik.text = harfElement.@isim.toString(); for(var i:uint=1;i<=35;i++) { t1.htmlText = harfElement.t1.toString(); t2.htmlText = harfElement.t2.toString(); t3.htmlText = harfElement.t3.toString(); t4.htmlText = harfElement.t4.toString(); t5.htmlText = harfElement.t5.toString(); t6.htmlText = harfElement.t6.toString(); t7.htmlText = harfElement.t7.toString(); t8.htmlText = harfElement.t8.toString(); t9.htmlText = harfElement.t9.toString(); t10.htmlText = harfElement.t10.toString(); t11.htmlText = harfElement.t11.toString(); t12.htmlText = harfElement.t12.toString(); t13.htmlText = harfElement.t13.toString(); t14.htmlText = harfElement.t14.toString(); t15.htmlText = harfElement.t15.toString(); t16.htmlText = harfElement.t16.toString(); t17.htmlText = harfElement.t17.toString(); t18.htmlText = harfElement.t18.toString(); t19.htmlText = harfElement.t19.toString(); t20.htmlText = harfElement.t20.toString(); t21.htmlText = harfElement.t21.toString(); t22.htmlText = harfElement.t22.toString(); t23.htmlText = harfElement.t23.toString(); t24.htmlText = harfElement.t24.toString(); t25.htmlText = harfElement.t25.toString(); t26.htmlText = harfElement.t26.toString(); t27.htmlText = harfElement.t27.toString(); t28.htmlText = harfElement.t28.toString(); t29.htmlText = harfElement.t29.toString(); t30.htmlText = harfElement.t30.toString(); t31.htmlText = harfElement.t31.toString(); t32.htmlText = harfElement.t32.toString(); t33.htmlText = harfElement.t33.toString(); t34.htmlText = harfElement.t34.toString(); t35.htmlText = harfElement.t35.toString(); t36.htmlText = harfElement.t36.toString(); t37.htmlText = harfElement.t37.toString(); t38.htmlText = harfElement.t38.toString(); t39.htmlText = harfElement.t39.toString(); t40.htmlText = harfElement.t40.toString(); } }
  13. Hello, I am working on a project where I want to load an xml from local storage but I can't quite manage to do it. ( Action Script below in tags) If anyone knows how I can fix this please reply ! Thanks! stop(); var nextIds:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var xmlData:XML = new XML(); var xmlAry:Array = new Array(); var xmlURL:Array = new Array(); //String serverURL = "http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml"; // Online file ( Not being used atm) //xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML); //xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml")); /* import flash.filesystem.*; //var urlString:String = "http://MAINWEBSITEIP/images/timetable/liceul/Classes/9A.JPG"; var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString); var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream(); var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded); urlStream.load(urlReq); function loaded(event:Event):void { urlStream.readBytes(fileData,0,urlStream.bytesAvailable); writeAirFile(); } function writeAirFile():void { var file:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("ICHB/Classes/9A.JPG"); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(fileData,0,fileData.length); fileStream.close(); trace("The file is written."); } */ import flash.filesystem.*; import flash.events.MouseEvent; // timetable.xml URL , FULL URL //var urlString:String = "http://timetableichb.ddns.net:8181/timetable/timetable.xml"; var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlString); var urlStream:URLStream = new URLStream(); var fileData:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); urlStream.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaded); urlStream.load(urlReq); function loaded(event:Event):void { urlStream.readBytes(fileData, 0, urlStream.bytesAvailable); writeAirFile(); } function writeAirFile():void { // Path for file storage var file:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("TIMETABLE/timetable.xml"); var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream(); fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE); fileStream.writeBytes(fileData, 0, fileData.length); fileStream.close(); trace("The file is written."); } xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML); xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("file:///storage/emulated/TIMETABLE/timetable.xml")); // Tried "TIMETABLE/timetable.xml" only too. hafta.visible=false; credits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openCredits); function openCredits(Event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(2); } cikis.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,Exit1); function Exit1(Event:MouseEvent):void { NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit(); } function LoadXML(e:Event):void { xmlData = new XML(e.target.data); //trace("toplam ogretmen sayisi:",xmlData.teachers.teacher.length()); var harfElements:XMLList = xmlData.teachers.teacher; trace("toplam ogretmen sayisi:",harfElements.length()); var len:int = harfElements.length(); //liste.prompt = "Select Teacher"; for(var i:uint=0;i<len;i++) { xmlAry.push(xmlData..teacher.@isim[i]); xmlURL.push(xmlData..teacher[i]); liste.addItem( { label: xmlAry[i], data:i } ); liste.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, action); var harfElement:XML = harfElements[i]; var idString:String = harfElement.@id; var id:int = parseInt(idString); nextIds[i] = id; } } function action (e:Event):void { var no:Number = Number(liste.selectedItem.data); var id:int = nextIds[e.target]; logo.visible=false; hafta.visible=true; var harfElementMatch:XMLList = xmlData.teachers.teacher.(@id==id); var harfElement:XML = xmlURL[no]; baslik.text = harfElement.@isim.toString(); for(var i:uint=1;i<=35;i++) { t1.htmlText = harfElement.t1.toString(); t2.htmlText = harfElement.t2.toString(); t3.htmlText = harfElement.t3.toString(); t4.htmlText = harfElement.t4.toString(); t5.htmlText = harfElement.t5.toString(); t6.htmlText = harfElement.t6.toString(); t7.htmlText = harfElement.t7.toString(); t8.htmlText = harfElement.t8.toString(); t9.htmlText = harfElement.t9.toString(); t10.htmlText = harfElement.t10.toString(); t11.htmlText = harfElement.t11.toString(); t12.htmlText = harfElement.t12.toString(); t13.htmlText = harfElement.t13.toString(); t14.htmlText = harfElement.t14.toString(); t15.htmlText = harfElement.t15.toString(); t16.htmlText = harfElement.t16.toString(); t17.htmlText = harfElement.t17.toString(); t18.htmlText = harfElement.t18.toString(); t19.htmlText = harfElement.t19.toString(); t20.htmlText = harfElement.t20.toString(); t21.htmlText = harfElement.t21.toString(); t22.htmlText = harfElement.t22.toString(); t23.htmlText = harfElement.t23.toString(); t24.htmlText = harfElement.t24.toString(); t25.htmlText = harfElement.t25.toString(); t26.htmlText = harfElement.t26.toString(); t27.htmlText = harfElement.t27.toString(); t28.htmlText = harfElement.t28.toString(); t29.htmlText = harfElement.t29.toString(); t30.htmlText = harfElement.t30.toString(); t31.htmlText = harfElement.t31.toString(); t32.htmlText = harfElement.t32.toString(); t33.htmlText = harfElement.t33.toString(); t34.htmlText = harfElement.t34.toString(); t35.htmlText = harfElement.t35.toString(); t36.htmlText = harfElement.t36.toString(); t37.htmlText = harfElement.t37.toString(); t38.htmlText = harfElement.t38.toString(); t39.htmlText = harfElement.t39.toString(); t40.htmlText = harfElement.t40.toString(); } }
  14. Hello guys , I recently bought this MPL3115A2 from Spark Fun . I tried testing it using their example code , but It just gets stuck on Compiling Sketch. Has anyone used this before and ahs any ideas of what I can do ?? Might be issue with code , or libraries . I really need some code to test it !
  15. I need some help with a c++ program that would read any input number from 1 to 100 and outout it as text ( without using 100 if statements ;p , for example 21 -> twenty one ) I tried a few of my ideas but all of them failed horribly. Please help