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  1. So, I'm looking for a new chair. I'm a tall guy (thin but tall, 190cm) so I decided the DXRacer OH/RF0 model is for me. However, it's not in stock on any of the available retailers in my area (Norway). I believe it's available in Dernmark but the price was 30% higher plus the shipping was expensive as hell. Anyway, I do have some AKRacing models available in stock in Norway (komplett.no) but I can't tell which model I want, also, the akracing official website seems to be partially down. But, what's the deal with DXRacer vs AKRacing anyway? Seems to me they're just two different names for the same product (minus the logo and design of the outer material). If that's the case, which is the AKRacing equivalent of the DXRacer OH/RF0 model?