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I never died, I just wanted to focus a bit more on life for a bit. I graduated HS as emo god of the class of 2016, started getting into working on cars, and am now taking a year off to do part time electrical work on vehicles. I never forgot this place, but it's still too crowded.

  1. handymanshandle


    I don't think it's too crowded, well maybe when they did that damn Razer giveaway. That was annoying the site was basically down for like at least a day, that really sucked.



    Idk I graduate in 2018, not sure what I will do after that. Maybe I'll go down to Nebraska for college, or stay up here in Minnesota.

  2. vanished


    oh, wow just noticed you're back! :D  Good to see :)

  3. TacoSenpai


    Congrats man!  Still remember your PSU thread that helped out a ton in getting a new one still appreciate that!
