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  1. Also if you guys can link to brands and colors of ram that would look good.
  2. Hey guys was looking to upgrade to a skylake processor. I picked the board I want to use, but im having trouble picking ram for it. I was thinking on having alternating colors of blue and white to go with the build, but not many options for DDR4 memory. Here is what the board looks like. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128943 looking for any ideas on colors that would look good for this motherboard. Thanks!
  3. Hey guys was looking to upgrade to a skylake processor. I picked the board I want to use, but im having trouble picking ram for it. I was thinking on having alternating colors of blue and white to go with the build, but not many options for DDR4 memory. Here is what the board looks like. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128943 looking for any ideas on colors that would look good for this motherboard. Thanks!
  4. Alright any 60hz 1440p g-sync monitors that you would suggest?
  5. Any without g-sync? Nothing lower than 75hz now.
  6. My friend is looking for an Ultrawide monitor and need some suggestions. Its has to be 1440p ips panel preferably 144hz and has g-sync. (curved if possible).
  7. Would 144hz even be necessary, I wouldn't mind having it but would it just be a waste of money for gaming?
  8. Hey guys I need some help for what kind of monitors you guys recommend i look at. For now I'm not too worried about price since im just trying to figure out what I need. Here are a couple that I am looking at. With these two its just down to figuring out if I need the 144hz version. I will be using a gtx 980ti for this so 1440p shouldnt be too much of an issue. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00P0EQD1Q?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_act_title_1&smid=A2NV1SRJVDTRLQ http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0149QBOF0?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER If you have any suggestions Im looking for a 1440p monitor that is an ips panel. G-sync would be nice to have included also but not sure if 144hz is needed, would be cool though. Just need some tips of good 1440p monitors out there.
  9. Yea maybe. I never had a gigabyte card so I wouldnt know ha. Just was mostly looking for the right color scheme for him.
  10. Im not quite sure it looks black and white to me but that could be my eyes. Guess depends how the lighting is on it which gives it a different tone. Im sure it would look fine inside a case.
  11. Not sure what you mean? Most specs are equal or better than whats listed.
  12. You can also change the colors of the logo LED on the top of card.
  13. You got that right. Never had any problems with their products.
  14. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125787&cm_re=gtx_980ti_gigabyte-_-14-125-787-_-Product Here is a gigabyte card that has the white and black scheme. Backplate also. Just something to look at.
  15. I am running the same gpu and cpu and I couldnt be more happy. For 1080p This is a great gaming machine for the price imo. Im not sure why ppl give amd such crap about its cpu, its a great price per performance component. For gpus I like to stick with Nvidia, they may be more expensive but it seems to be more optimized for games. I never had any issues with nvidia products. The only amd gpu I got was the 280x and I felt it wasnt as good as it should have been.