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Today I found random money everywhere.

20 EUR in my leather jacket, 10 EUR in my jeans, 200 EUR on one of my cards, another 150 EUR on another card and almost 50 EUR in my backpack.

Usually it's me finding things I need to spend money on, not the other way around o.O

  1. Tech_Dreamer
  2. You_are_a_cunt



    And the first thought when I was drinking my morning coffee was: WTF how am I broke one week before payday AGAIN?

    (context: my bills were ridiculous this month and most of my cash went to paying them, plus some travel expenses from Easter and so on. Literally haven't spent money on shiny things this month and I still somehow ran out of TWO ENTIRE PAYCHECKS IN LESS THAN 3 WEEKS!)


    Now I'm kinda happy that I found this substantial wad of cash (basically just over a paycheck!) and I can now actually go buy some new clothes that I kinda need badly (workboots are showing their age and I could use a new labcoat. And new jeans. Maybe even a nice workshop shirt)
