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  1. Mine without the boosted is 4GHz. I turned it off because of the temperatures and haven't turned it back on. Guess that might be the reason I'm having this problem...
  2. I'll run a benchmark test when I get the chance. I think the problem is that I streamed in 60fps when it was clocked at 4.4GHz. Now its at stock speed of 4GHz and I can't stream in 60fps without it having significant perf drops. I doubt quick sync is needed and reduces the stream quality by a butt load from what I've seen =/ But thanks for the suggestion
  3. Cheers I've figured that when I was streaming at 60fps, my CPU was in turbo boosted mode to 4.4GHz. That might have been the reason I was able to stream in 60fps without any significant performance drop. At the moment, my CPU is at stock speeds of 4.0GHz.
  4. Yeah, encoding usually takes off around 20fps from any games I play. I didn't realise it was OC'ed and wasn't planning on OCing until I had an aftermarket cooler. I have one now (Corsair H60) and temps are running around 60 on full load. I just think its too late for that and its already buggered. It has a 3 year warranty on it, If I remember rightly. I installed it in febuary this year too.
  5. Thats what I'm thinking.. Intel support told me to run a 60 minutes stress test with their software and apparently it looks fine. I just want to RMA it and get a new one since I've only had it about 6 months. It was automatically OC'ed to 4.4 because of the MOBO settings when I got it but I didn't realise and only had the stock cooler.
  6. Hello! So first off, my specs: PSU: Antec TruePower Classic 750W Memory: HyperX Beast 2x8GB 2133MHz HDD: Western Digital Green 1TB SSD: Kingston SSD V300 120GB 2nd SSD: SamsungEVO 250GB GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Ti (2nd one coming next week for SLI setup ) CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Motherboard: Asus Z97-A I have a feeling I'm having a problem with my processor. I stream PC games on Twitch.tv using OBS (a popular livestreaming software). I've been streaming for around 1.5 years and know exactly what impact streaming from the same PC has on performance. Lately I've been having a problem streaming in 60fps720p. I could easily do this before with no real performance impact. Before I invested in an aftermarket cooler (corsair h60) I was running at temperatures of 90+ for 5 hours or more. I noticed the temps I was running at after I started to experience micro-stutters or sudden fps drops whilst gaming. Ever since that, It has never really ran the same whilst streaming at 60fps. Anyone have a solution or an idea as to what the problem could be? Cheers
  7. Yes, I know all about what streaming does, I've done it for long enough. I've never had this problem before whilst streaming until I installed this new card. The problem is when I keep the streaming software open on another monitor (I need this when I'm streaming) the smoothness of the 144hz decreases it seems. But when I minimise the streaming software, the problem stops and I get full 144hz. The strange thing is that I get the same exact range of 300-350+ FPS when the software is open or minimised. It doesn't change whatsoever but it feels like I have much much lower.
  8. Can someone possibly move this to the GPU subforum? I'm tired and didn't realise this is the wrong one. =/
  9. Hi, I'm a streamer and I use Open Broadcast Software to stream. I've just installed a new GTX980Ti. It seems that whenever I have my streaming software open, Its a lot less smoother whilst playing any game but once I minimise OBS it returns to normal. I also have a 144hz monitor and play CSGO which is a high FPS game. This is where I see the most difference. It must be something to do with the 980Ti because thats the only thing thats changed with my setup and I didn't have this problem with the old GPU (AMD R9 280x). Any ideas or anyone with the same problem? Thanks!
  10. So, I've reinstalled windows and still have the same problem. I'm tempted to RMA the CPU because its getting stupid now and I'm pretty sure its a CPU problem
  11. I know he mentions ways of clearing the RAM but restarting my PC every 3 hours just cannot be done. Would there be another way of permanently fixing it?
  12. I've checked the drives and they say healthy and the speeds seem fine. I still have a feeling its hardware issue because it starts to drop in performance 3 hours into a Livestream.. I'm not sure how it would be a software issue if its a gradual thing..
  13. So, I was testing whilst playing a bit and it got to a point where my FPS was below 50 on CSGO. (I usually get ~300fps) http://i.imgur.com/FD3O9lO.png ^This is a screenshot of some stats.. I can't identify anything wrong except for the 'Memory Voltage, V' being '0' Is Memory Voltage important/the cause of my problems?
  14. Those numbers were when it was OC'ed to 4.4GHz. At the moment when I stress test I get around 60-70oC. I'm at factory settings right now http://i.imgur.com/H29vsui.png ^This is a test I've just done. Voltage on the right under CPU properties. Voltage stays at around 1.0469 and CPU Clock is 4GHz