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  1. Can anybody put together a $900 usd sky lake build with a good theme( does not have a lot of random colors). Ps- won't be able to site who responded cuz I'm on mobile
  2. Which CPU should I get for my first pic build
  3. Is it possible to make a skyline hackintosh at the moment?
  4. Can somebody put together a pc around $800 that would be prepared for the future (like 5 years$
  5. Is it worth getting the new sky lake CPUs to be prepared for the future. I want to be able to update only a few parts at a time not the whole entire pc in the future.
  6. Im not sure which computer case to pick. I like the Corsair 350d a lot but the nzxt s340 is more in a budget. Which one should i pick
  7. Can somebody put together a pc with this budget with the r9 390 (only if possible)
  8. I am going to use it as my gaming rig for rendering and editing. The only gaming system that I am going to use
  9. Is it worth getting the gtx 970 now. I found I deal where I can get the card for $250. Or should I just wait and get the r9 390 even though it's out of my budget
  10. Can somebody put together a 750 gaming pc with the r9 390 in it
  11. I wanted 200 fps because I was also thinking of getting the Gtx 960 which gets aroun 200 fps at least