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  1. I've already done that I've come to the conclusion it has to do with my mobo
  2. I recently had an Issue were my pc randomly got fps drops I sent back my gtx 980ti and got a new one replaced I now have the same issues. I uninstalled the old drivers and clean installed new ones. My on board graphics works fine but when I have my 980ti in I'm getting the same if not worse performance then when I was using on board. I'm starting to believe it's my mobo can my pcie slots affect this. Specs Cpu: i7-4790k gpu: gtx 980ti sc+ acx2.0+ Ram: 16gb gskill Aries 1866 Mobo: msi z97s kraft edition mobo
  3. Csgo, skyrim etc and im getting low usage and can't see usage of gpu.
  4. I really would rather not reinstall windows it's such a hassle that's my last resort
  5. I'm running out of solutions. I have an I7-4790k 16gb of ram and a GTX980 Ti with all drivers up to date. Last night something happened it was working fine and has been for the last 2 months. Now all of a sudden games I was getting 227fps are now getting 20 fps with spikes that go lower. I don't know what to do I've uninstalled the drivers and reinstalled them with a clean install. Windows is recognizing the gu.