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  1. One of them is witcher 3 :), So 1080 will go in the first slot, second 1080 will go in slot 2 and 980 will go in slot 3, the soundcard will go into any pcie lane right?
  2. I would like to go for 1080s in SLI and i want to use my 980 as a dedicated physx cards and a Strix Raid DLX Soundcard, my cpu will be 6700k, i dont really know how PCI-e lanes add up, but will this setup cause any issues?
  3. Which one provides the best positional audio?
  4. I have seen over a dozen of reviews and almost all of them recommended the titanium HD over the xonar but the thing is i dont know if i need an amp with the soundcard or not
  5. I have lost the USB a year ago , also the budget does not concern me as long as im getting a better audio quality.
  6. Hello guys, I own the ATH-ADG1 headset and i want to buy a new sound card but i cant decide between Creative Soundblaster (Z,Zx,ZxR) or the Creative X-fi Titanium HD, and if i get either do i need an external awp (which one) to drive my headset? I will be using the headset for gaming mainly FPS Like csgo
  7. well im still getting about 40-50 fps in personal story where the area is not very crowded which i think is very low
  8. I'd like to upgrade my CPU to a cpu with strong single thread performance preferably with the least amount of cores. MMOs are really cpu intensive especially WoW and GW2 and most of them arent well optimized for multi threaded CPU's Here is my build GPU: GTX 980 Gigabyte CPU: 4930k Intel Ram: 2x8GB Hyperx Ram MoBo: Asus x79-deluxe Im going to upgrade to GTX 980 ti somewhere in the future but for now i'd like to know what is the strongest single threaded CPU for gaming?