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  1. i already said i can't return the keyboard . i just want an answer for my question
  2. i think it depend on ur motherboard . u won't notice a difference
  3. i really don't want to waste my time trying to fix games ,so i have just a quick question do i have to make 3 accounts ( GfWL , Rockstar Social Network, Securerom ) in order to play it also if i only play offline will i be able to bypass them. i am using Win 8 thank u
  4. u r so wise! i kneel before ur wisdom
  5. the option was not available in MSI AB 2.3.1 and for some reason MSI AB was not updating itself ,i have just installed 3.0.0 version and i fixed it . disabling UPLS leads to slightly higher idle temps, and more power consumption . u know , i should thank u for posting this thread because i was unaware of my gpu1 memory clock, it was running at 1500mhz all the time after i installed amd's 14.4 drivers , so i just reinstalled amd drivers and it is normal now as far as i am concerned . check ur idle memory clocks (vrm) and ur idle core clocks , mine are running at 150mhz and 300mhz for both gpus (with UPLS disabled) .
  6. i disabled it through the regedit but it didn't work also i couldn't find the option(ULPS) in MSI AB
  7. it didn't fix it for me, AMD 7990
  8. it is a driver issue , but it was fixed with the 14.3 amd drivers and now it is back( 14.4 ) speaking of Photoshop , photophop was about to burn my second gpu ,the temp was OVER 100C because i left my pc one day and when i came back , the screen was turned off ,once i was on the desktop my gpu fans went nuts so don't leave ur pc on standby ,it will burn ur second gpu i wish someone tells AMD about this issue
  9. hey dude ,think about ur motherboard ! r u going to use a wifi connection ? r u going to use bluetooth ? r u going to use more than 3 pcie/pci slots? in real life u r not going to use the extra usb ports and the extra sata ports and just to be clear ,i am not saying ASUS is bad ,i have a hero (although it is a solid motherboard ) but i wish i had an impact or a gene BUT at the at the end of the day it is ur choice so think then choose wisely
  10. for the cpu ,i would get the i5 cuz i think future games (most of them) won't demand that much cpu power especially with the upcoming mantle API and directx 12 . as ForsakenLive stated the Motherboard is a waste of money ,get the HERO or GENE 8gb 1600mhz of ram is enough don't even think of buying 16gb (2400mhz vs 1600mhz ....no additional performance in gaming ) and because of consoles ,yes it will last for 5 years but i would recommend that you upgrade whenever u have a chance to sell ur graphic card. finally i don't recommend sli because of scaling and driver issues