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Tobi Schu

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  1. Hello everyone, I have to switch from my cable ISP to VDSL in Germany. Sadly I am running a coaxial cable from the cellar up to my buro on the first floor. This is where the router sits with wireless disabled running CAT 6a to two locations in the house (bedroom/living room) where I have two Acces Points (TP-Link N750) to serve the surrounding devices (Synology, PS4, PCs, etc.) via CAT 6a and Wireless. Now the new ISP will allow me to put the router anywhere in the house where I have a telephone jack. There is one in the hallway (right in the middle of the house) and next to the cable input in the Cellar. What can i do to use my CAT6a infrastructure or what would be a new solution without running new cables anywhere? My thoughts: 1: Putting the router in the Hallway, use one of the N750 in bridge mode to grab the internet signal (easy solution). Question: Am i limited to the wireless bridging speed or does overall network connectivity just "skip" the bridge and the routing keep place in the "old" infrastructure? Example task: I download a file from my Synology connected to N750 (which gets the internet signal in bridge mode from the ISP router) to my computer which is connected to N750b all via CAT6a. Does the network just use the "required" devices or is the new ISP router now somehow involved for routing slowing down the entire infrastructure? I hope this makes sense. If you tell me no, then I would be happy already. If you tell me yes it will slow down the system, then I have another question. 2. Can i Connect the Coaxial infrastructure to the new router (which only has LAN ports) somehow? This is my first post here, thank you very much!!