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  1. I've been getting around 45-50 FPS for GTAV when driving around town at direct x11 with anti-aliasing,v-sync, tessellation, and ambient occlusion off. Also, lag drops in Crysis 3 down to a consistent 45fps with v-sync and anti-aliasing off and shaders down to high. I've seen other benchmarks that boast those games to over 65-70+ at 1080p. I don't know if I'm naive or ignorant about in assuming my system should run about the same, but at any rate the main difference I've seen from their set up and mine is the mobo and cpu. Hence, why I was looking at those two in particular. I'm also looking for some future proof if possible.
  2. Hello, I received a second GTX 780 as a gift to add to my PC for SLI. The problem is that my CPU (i7 2700k) doesn't utilize the SLI as well as I have seen the GTX 780 SLI perform. This is mainly do to the fact, at least to my understanding, the PCI-E revision 2.0 and the PCI-E lanes of 16 are holding the performance back. My budget is around $600, and I don't mind raising it if there is a reasonable reason to. I also was looking into upgrading my current motherboard (ASUS Z77 Sabertooth) if needed. Thanks in advance.