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  1. My mom wants to be straight up get rid of it because she doesn't want me putting o-rings on it because she thinks I'll "break it" Which is also bs because if you're going to sell it, why not just try it. Anyways, I'm just looking for a cheap mouse and keyboard that meet the requirements so there's no hassle and my parents can stop complaining all of the time.
  2. They said that it was "out of the option" and that buying a new mouse and keyboard would be "the best way to go" Trust me, I can't do or say anything that will make them change their minds.
  3. Currently, I have the razer blackwidow and the razer naga. But my parents explain that the keyboard is to loud for when they're trying to sleep. (Which in my opinion is bs because my parents are down the hall from my room, and both of my doors are shut). But it's whatever. Basically, I'm trying to find a mouse that is right handed, wired, sensor doesn't really matter that much as long as it's really good. I would also like it to be easier to click then the razer naga. I get about 5.6 cps with the naga and I want to try and get my cps to about 6.5. But yeah, I just need one with the requirements listed about. Nothing fancy. Now, with the keyboard. It doesn't really matter. I like the feel of bigger keys that are membrane. For example, not the laptop keys, but the ones that are thicker. Here, I also don't need anything fancy, I just need one with good quality. Please try to keep them both combines under $80.
  4. I'm planning on making a build inside the Silverstone Raven RVZ01; It's a nice case, don't get me wrong, but a tiny bit on the expensive side for a $700 build. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to pack into this build to get the most performance possible, and that's why I'm here. I'm not going to be playing that many demanding games, but I will be recording some of them as well as some minor video editing with sony vegas and adobe premiere pro. So the games I will be playing are Minecraft, Battlefiled 4, Gary's Mod (Trouble in Terrorist Town, and Prob Hunt), CS-GO, League of Legends, and maybe a few others, but that is most likely it. I will only be recording minecraft, but I want to be able to record at 120 FPS. Reason being, I have a 120 hz monitor, and for some reason if I'm getting 60 or something, I feel like I'm lagging a bit. Anyways, I don't need any extras, just the computer. And again, try to pack as much performance as you can using the Silverstone Raven RVZ01 and the $700 budget. Also, just some extra information, I'm not going to be overclocking or anything like that.
  5. I've seen numerous GTX 960's with 2 fans, sometimes 3. Which makes me think that the card could run hot without proper cooling. Would this GTX 960 overheat because it only has one fan? Or would it be fine? http://pcpartpicker.com/part/evga-video-card-02gp42962kr
  6. I know, but my friend wanted to keep it as cheap as possible; and he said that he didn't care what settings he had to play on, he just wanted it playable.
  7. The 5350 has decent onboard graphics, or so I've heard.
  8. Okay, new build. It's a little over $180, but would it be fine for LoL? http://pcpartpicker.com/p/K6BpnQ
  9. I asked him about that, but he has everything, he just needs a computer because his old one broke. But is that PSU fine, or is it so terrible that it would catch on fire.
  10. I know, I'm trying to make a super cheap build for a friend. All he wants is to play LoL and talk on skype. I figured that I could do it for under $180. I got it to about $205, but that's with a seperate psu. How about this? https://pcpartpicker.com/part/logisys-case-cs369bk This is the PC I have built currently. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/ZJwf4D He said that he didn't care how low he had to turn the settings, he just wants it playable.
  12. No...? I'm looking for a case, with a psu already built in. Like when you go to buy certain cases and they come with some 400w psu.
  13. I'm trying to find a good case and psu bundle for a fairly cheap price. Do you guys know of any psu's built into cases that are actually good, or are they all bad. It doesn't have to be big, only like 300w.
  14. Then is there a 24" model that is relatively cheap?
  15. Can someone please help me find one? I've been looking forever to find one, but none are showing up.