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  1. When i play gta5 my cpu is gettting up to 74-75C so im getting a bit worried about the temps. What is safe temperature for this cpu under load?
  2. How much free vram should i leave free on gta 5 to get smooth gameplay?
  3. I have a gtx 770 windfoce 2GB . What if a go more than 2GB, what will happen??
  4. V-sync caused screen tearing so i turned it off but i have addaptive v-sync on from nvidia control panel. I had a similar problem on FIFA 15 but in that game i had no frame rate drops and yes im playing on my native monitor resolution. The stuttering occurs when the frames dipp for 2-5 frames.
  5. I have gtx 770 windforce with core i5 3570 and i am experiencing some stuttering in gta 5. I run it arround 52-60 fps but when it drops 2-5 frames i see stuttering. I tried lowering the settings and everything but when it drops frames i still seee stuttering and i feel like 52 frames should run smooth . What could be the problem?
  6. UPDATE: Returned my mizar for the Havoc and its amaizing mouse , alot better than the mizar.
  7. i already bought mizar but it looks like it is broken so i am looking to replace it from the store with another one
  8. yeah thanks i am thinking of getting the sensei
  9. the problem is that the store where i bought the mouse form doesnt have alot of mice in stock os i have to pick between this two and the abyssis 2014
  10. Actually i am looking to return my mizar and get a new mouse because it looks like the sensor on this mizar is broken and the options are the havoc and sensei raw
  11. nah im looking for something better
  12. I have Cm storm Mizar right now but it doesnt track on cloth mousepad so i might replace it. Which mouse is better CM Storm Havoc or Steelseries Sensei RAW Black Ops 2(the retailer doesnt have regular raw model)?
  13. I bought mizar mouse and it doesnt work with my steelseries qck mouse pad but it works fine on my desk. Is my mouse broken or do i have to ged different mouse pad?