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  1. steam giftcards? if you're allowed to get that with another giftcard
  2. if you feel it is running hotter than usual then go for it. Use Ifixit and take it slow and you should be fine.
  3. search on newegg for "USB 3 case" i found this by searching it https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811353081&cm_re=usb_3_case-_-11-353-081-_-Product
  4. Dell systems usually have proprietary power supplys and motherboard mounting, check the mounting for the motherboard but you will have to buy a new power supply.
  5. 660 is the minimum for fortnite according to minimum requirements. hope that helps.
  6. Oh, it says that this bios is not for my netbook when I try to install it, even though mine is covered in the title of the bios link
  7. I'm guessing the initial release bios as I haven't updated it
  8. an update is available, do you think it is worth an upgrade? http://support.toshiba.com/support/viewContentDetail?contentId=4005866
  9. As I post that it happens, bloody tipical.
  10. Aida 64 has been running for 25 mins, temps are jumping from mid to high 70s while running @ 2.6 ghz so I think I can rule heat issues out
  11. i can't find any information on motherboard compatibility, am I screwed?
  12. Ahh, I understand. I don't have much experience with this
  13. The laptop posts and a stress test is running, would it boot even if unsupported?