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About JGxTech90

  • Birthday Jul 24, 1990

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  • Occupation
    Regal Entertainment Group Field Technician
  • Member title
    Junior Member

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  1. So you know the guy who grabbed the mic from that lady and yelled "F**K HER RIGHT IN THE P***Y!" Well I've seen some pretty great mashups with that voice over, and my coworker and I had a great idea for one... I just slapped this one together at about 2am so it's not flawless but still hilarious... Enjoy... http://youtu.be/jvXKzLGL2Jg
  2. I'm gonna say the M8. It seems like Samsung is starting to put out the same old stuff every year just with new features like heartbeat crap. PS: LUMIA 930 in June/July WOOT!
  3. #100 An arm is just as good if not better than a ruler for measurement
  4. Let me rephrase.. What line would I have to use to get Pascal to find the highest and lowest number given in a text file? and how can I write those to values back to the file
  5. Anyone have any ideas?
  6. So I'm stuck on this question. Assume that a file containing a series of integers is named as numbers.txt and exists on your computer's disk. Write a program that determines the largest and the smallest number stored in the file. Then write the largest number and smallest number back to the same file. I can not seem to get this to go. We have to create our own number text before hand with random numbers in it as well. Can anyone please help me with this? Not just telling me what to do but actually showing (with code) what variables and things I have to do?
  7. So I paused the video really quick so I could answer my door... Came back and saw this.... BLUE STEEL!!
  8. I am starting to think that maybe my variable should be the percentage? idk...
  9. This is what I have but its failing hard: begin f:=12000*0.10; t:=12000; while t <=12000+f do begin writeln('Tuition Per Year: '); writeln(t); t:=t+f+1; end; readln; end.
  10. I am lost to the fact that I can not figure out how to get this dang calculation to work... And I'm also getting stuck on an infinite loop
  11. Anyone want to help me with this question? I have to make a loop that calculates tuition increases over 5 years. Question 2: Tuition Increase At one college, the tuition for a full-time student is $12000 for the first year. It has been announced that the tuition will increase by 2 percent each year for the next five years. Design a program with a loop that displays the projected year tuition amount for the next five years. I'm so lost... lol
  12. Anyone got any good ones? Co-Worker and I were thinking of some in the car. We decided on three of them: 1. Baby is your name Fermi? Cause you are so hot you're smokin'... 2. I'm like a 5400 rpm hard drive... I take my time baby.. 3. Baby you're hotter then an overclock FX chip. If you guys got any good ones post them below!
  13. Yup I got it going last night when I was at work Thanks for the input everyone. I will be back for Loop Help