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Everything posted by GodAtum

  1. This exposes a massive gap in the market. With everyone on earth owning a PC or laptop of some kind, it's impossible to get good support. I've worked in IT for the best part of 30 years. I do part-time IT support for my local community and charge $100/hour (excluding parts).
  2. I pay £25/month for Google Workspace as I need to use a custom domain. This gets me 2TB. I had to downgrade as Google upped their Workspace pricing to £100/month for 20TB. I had to move 20TB to a Hetzner 20TB StorageBox for $40/month.
  3. I put my printer on my guest network, now my PC can't see it. So that tip was pointless!
  4. Please could you explain more about Axel? I have tried Immich and Photoprism but the AI detection is crap.
  5. Why not just use a smart plug? Are there any professionally made volume mixers like the Deej? Surely that's such an obvious use case there must be? I mean audio equpitment sells for $1000s so some company must have made one no?
  6. Linus forgot about Plex. a good 4K movie is about 30 Mbps. If a family of 4 are watching 4 different films, then a ultrafast internet is vital.
  7. But you do save money by not getting taxed on your home pool.
  8. you forget to mention warranty. 2nd hand is very risky
  9. I don't use consoles because they are boring. I like playing games with mods and you cant often do that on consoles.
  10. Maybe. For just email and web browsing, most people still buy ipads.
  11. Why is LTT going into the sports arena industry? As part of the planning license?
  12. That bike is missing a crucial feature ... satnav
  13. I don't understand why anyone would use this. Just use a wifi hotspot ... more portable, smaller and just as feature rich. Personally I use a Netgear Nighthawk M6.
  14. This video is a bit misleading. Chromecast 4K only support E-AC-3 audio with Atmos, if you are trying to play TrueHD then it won't work now and there's a pretty good chance it never will. Chromecast because it technically supports Atmos, just only from E-AC-3 audio tracks. You will have to use another device with TrueHD Atmos support if you want to get Atmos from those tracks. Devices with TrueHD Atmos support includes: Nvidia shield tv, Xbox and a computer. The Fire Stick 4K & 4K Max have always supported passthrough for DDP Atmos. Passthrough for TrueHD has never been supported. TrueHD will be transcoded by Plex Media Server to another format. The Cube v3 supports passthrough for both TrueHD Atmos and DDP Atmos. AFAIK, it is the only Amazon Fire device to do so.
  15. I found this very offensive. I sold my car and spent the $10k upgrading my music system with stuff like this. IMO it does sound 100x better!
  16. this'll be good for running proxmox and loads of VMs in a home lab!
  17. That's a big F U for those of us who recently bought a Deck
  18. Not having triple monitor support in-game is a hard no from me!
  19. Is Linus wrong as Sonos works with Youtube Music https://support.sonos.com/en-gb/services/youtube-music
  20. No offence, but the problem is these callcentres are in 3rd world countries where they have no understanding of the products they are trying to sell.
  21. This is amazing. I'd like to propose a new product ... USB over network switch. So I can plug a bunch of USB devices and distribute them to different PCs over the network.
  22. I'm surprised no-one has thought of the obvious solution I use. I have a cheap Pi using Parsec to connect to my PC in my basement, works great for me.