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  1. Hey guys I posted on this forum before when contimplating between going console or pc around 8 months ago or so. I ended up going with the xbox one because of the exclusives it had to offer and that fact that I've been a console gamer for most of my life (I enjoy games that have bigger communities on the console i.e Fifa, forza etc.) and that I am on a tight budget (I'm in 1st year university right now). In June I decided to pick up The witcher 3 (on the xbox one) not really knowing too much about the game but it was summer and I wanted to be invested into an RPG. Side note I absolutely loved that game it was fucking amazing and it's part of the reason why I want to go PC so badly now (GOTY FUCK FALLOUT 4) #sorrynotsorry. As I said before I did enjoy playing sports games and racing games which are growing on PC but still aren't quite to the level of consoles (communites not graphics/performance). I don't really enjoy playing these games anymore and some of the xbox one exclusives have just been major disappointments to me . Anyways what I'm trying to say is that I'm ready to join the master race coming this holiday season because I feel like there aren't that many great reasons to own a console anymore. I will be selling my xbox to help pay for this PC, but I am looking to build a PC from around $500-$600 CAD. I know its a pretty low-end but as I said before I'm in university now and I'm pretty broke also I'd have to buy a monitor and other peripherals. I'd want a Pc that could run the witcher 3 at medium settings 1080p if thats possible with that budget. If you guys could help me decide on a pc to build that would be much appreciated. TLDR; I'm a broke Canadian University student who has fallen out of touch with console gaming, Looking to join the master race for $500-$600 would want to run The Witcher 3 on medium settings 1080p 30fps I guess is fine. (I'm used to being on 30fps lmao)
  2. Thanks a lot dude, yeah that's very true, it would be a lot easier to do work on a pc and game as well. I think I might just build a pc, just cause of those points.
  3. Well, the community isn't as large as the ones on console, and fifa heavily relies on the community for the online aspect for example fifa ultimate team. How many people play fifa on pc btw?
  4. Like its not even a desktop its a asus transformerbook LOL. But I can run league cs and minecraft at playable frame rates (30+)
  5. Thanks everyone for your suggestions pretty insightful.
  6. LOL people actually play fifa on pc? how is it?
  7. People said I could easily build a $500 pc that could run most games at high level of graphics etc. Idk what would I be missing out on?
  8. I just have soccer friends from school that have xb1 and play a lot of sports games, as well as shooters. But also I have some friends that are really into pc gaming. I both see them as equal for playing with, but I just wanted to know. I like PC for the competitive aspect. I played quite a bit of amateur competitive LoL. But I really enjoy just playing online with friends and just doing dumb shit. I heard PC mods are amazing on stuff like GTA, so that was something I wanted to get into as well.
  9. I know, I already got some good points from an xb1 standpoint, I wanted to know what you pc people would think about it.
  10. Hey guys, my birthday is coming up and I've been thinking heavily on deciding whether I should build a PC or buy a new next gen console. First off I want to say, please keep your arguments as objective as possible, and honestly try to help me decide! If I was to buy a pc it would only be about $500 (not including os). The most important things to me for making this decision would be friends and the games I want to play. I have friends on both the xb1 and pc, so I can't really decide from that, and for games I really would want to play sports games, console exclusives, and racing games on the xb1. I feel like PC doesn't even have those options, or big communities. For example the community on console for Fifa is waaaaaay larger than on PC that's why I don't even think about playing Fifa on PC. The reasons why I would like to start pc gaming is because all I really played on PC is LoL, csgo and minecraft, which is about all I can run on this shitbox of a computer I own right now. There are a ton of games that I would like to play on PC though, a lot of mmo's like Skyforge, games like Battlefield which run better on pc, etc. It's really hard for me to make this decision because yes PC plays a lot better than console and everything but I don't get to play the games I love. Also I will be entering university in a matter of months, and I would like to game there during my spare time, so space is a matter, as well as costs, upgradability , etc. Please help, thank!!