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  1. Trust me on this one, fucking trust me... Grim Fandango, best game ever created. The problem is that it was made in like 1990's and the hardest part about it is trying to get it to run on modern computers.
  2. The biggest let down i've had in terms of sequels is by far the Modern warfare franchise, after CoD4 being this fresh new sort of fps multiplayer game that was so much endless fun (although it did have it's fair share of problems) came the enormous amounts of hype for MW2 if anyone remembers, people thought that it would take the original Modern warfare and fancy up the graphics engine, fix the problems in CoD4 and pretty much try to 'perfect' CoD4(which would have been the best game ever). But it didn't, what it actually did was create a buttstuff of problems which were some of the most infuriating things i've had to deal with ever: OMA dangerclose noobtubes, Commando lunge, painkiller, final stand, Snipershotgun and machine pistol secondarys, removed juggernaut giving stoppingpower a massive power imbalance, the carepackage and javelin glitch which they didn't fix for like 4 months, nuke boosting and however many problems i left out. It could have been one of the best games ever so easily imo if IW took the time to just put out a few patches to fix MASSIVE problems which is one of the most frustrating parts... anyway i could ramble forever about the horrors of MW2. And i'm not even gonna begin on how unplayable the lag compensation and balance issues made MW3... TL;DR CoD4 and WaW were the best and MW2 and 3 make me want to burn things, things that aren't meant to be burnt... because they're absolute trash and a joke to the series But other then CoD i'm thinking that the DayZ standalone could be a massive let down, mainly because it's taken so long and i don't think anything can quite capture how interesting, fun and new the elements that DayZ originally brought to the table were, but i'm definitely gonna still pick it up.
  3. Commander Shepard of the Normandy (and Mirandra's ass of course)
  4. Something you 100% have to play is Fallout 3 or New Vegas, doesn't really matter which one they're both fantastic and you don't have to play one to understand the other. Mass effect is amazing, borderlands is fun with friends... tons of shit to play.
  5. If i want to plug my Xbox into my PC monitor is there a way i can get image and game audio through headset? My monitor has DVI and HDMI inputs, are there converters i need or something?
  6. I've recently come from a pretty intense console fps background and have joined the master race :D. One thing i'd say is get your mouse settings together and get used to them because this is key for improving aim and generally moving around comfortably. -Disable enhance pointer precision because it makes pointer movements inconsistent -Find a sensitivity and get comfortable with it -Research about DPI a bit and find a DPI that you're comfortable with if you have a fancy mouse -Use RAW input setting for ingame settings Make consistent mouse settings so that you can practice with those settings and become used to them Also make sure your keybindings are all comfortable and efficient for you to press as you can make them. Find a game and learn with it