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Everything posted by Overkilled

  1. lets not beat around the bush here. Your not only going to need add some flare to your builds to grab peoples attention you'll likely have to sell it at a loss because your not established. Your going to need to be able to source the parts, probably in bulk. You'll need a website and probably a business address, you cant have your home address on your website. You'll likely have to hire HTML coders to build your website to a certain standard, then you'll need to be able to ship the thing, what are you gonna do if something breaks. You'll need to provide a warranty.
  2. I thin its an older Samsung from late 2012-early 2013 3D 1080p 40 inch idk the model number sorry
  3. I like Black Ice but Sixth Element is carbon on the periodic table and it aluminium looks a bit like carbon
  4. These picture doesnt really do it justice because of the quality and exposure But I need a name. I was thinking Black Ice, The black mailbox (alien reference) or the Sixth Element. Does anyone have any other suggestions
  5. what ultrawide I wouldnt buy that 25 inch one. Its obviously wide because its an uw but its really not tall
  6. with two thermaltake riings
  7. Ive got the same problem stock 970 can hit 80c in this case
  8. Meh, you could probably get a one X or One M7 for that price
  9. So I left the house this morning thinking that I had started my 65GB GTA install, came how a few minutes ago to find out I didn't 10 hours remaining


  10. No it's like that because I dropped it but I can't get it replaced for another few weeks atleast so I need to be able to use it from an external screen
  11. Ok so the screen on my phone is broke I can unlock it with my fingerprint and it responds to touch I just can't see what's going on because the screen is flickering green I can't see anything. Here's what I have S7 edge usb debugging off that otg usb thing Fire tv box smart tv xbox one Now I'd just connect my phone to my computer but usb debugging is off. I don't have a m usb to hdmi so I can't connect it to my tv plus I don't think the s7 supports it anymore so is there any other way to mirror the screen with the stuff I already have?
  12. Anyone remember this video I cant remember how long ago it was but this video was posted in pretty much every thread to do with the CX series power supplies Good Times. I thought it might bring back some nostalgia...
  13. two reference 1070s cost the same as one 1080 strix... https://www.overclockers.co.uk/asus-geforce-gtx-1080-directcu-iii-oc-strix-gaming-aura-rgb-8192mb-gddr5x-pci-express-graphics-card-gx-401-as.html https://www.overclockers.co.uk/ocuk-geforce-gtx-1070-founders-edition-8192mb-gddr5-pci-express-graphics-card-gx-21a-ok.html
  14. Yes Pokemon Go the game that I have seen suck my friends in completely over the last few days. First it was the people who actually like pokemon but it somehow spread to people who would otherwise not even touch a Pokemon game. People who now go out of their means to capture them. Anyone else realised this phenomenon personally?
  15. Isn't the the iPad airs Retina screen way better than the Macbook Airs though?
  16. So long story short I got the original iPad when it first came out and I loved it but a few dodgy apps a jailbreak and lots of updates later I basically stopped using it about two years ago. Obviously I still have my computer and my phone so I felt like I didnt need a portable device but about 4 months ago my mum bought herself a HP Stream 11 but she found it too slow to use so I took it in as my own. I really love this portable form factor but make no mistake this laptop is really slow with only a celeron and 2gb of RAM so I'm definitely looking to pick up an ultrabook/tablet of my own around Christmas time. Right now I can pick up both a new iPad Air 2 or a used 2012/late 2011 Macbook air for under £400 (but who knows maybe by christmas the price of the iPad pros will go down) that I can use around the house and when staying at a relatives/friends house. I cant really decide between them and idk how snappy the 2012 Air will be in 2016. Also i'm all ears if you can think of a third option...
  17. North Face or Nike, you might get your ass kicked if you roll up with a big green dorky razer bag but you do you
  18. I love windows 10 and I'd never go back 7 by choice.
  19. Yeah I watched the video back I dont think the thing the cop pulled out his pocket was a revolver