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  1. Ok so this may be a silly question but i dont want to dishout 150aud for windows and i hear people talk about how there is a way to get it leagally for cheaper just wondering if anyone knows, and if you guys actually paid full prise for your OS ?
  2. like its funny we were putting together a partlist for a friend and we were searching for the benchmarks for the 980 and the 390X and we foundout the price difference (AU) was like 120 dollars and in most AAA games there was just a 3-10 fps difference but it was almost always running Max above 60fps or near it so we told him to go with the 390x and some nvidia fanboy was like "yeaah but the 980 is waaaaaayyyy better because amd is trash" and were just sitting there like umm its a frkn 120$ difference like why pay that much more for similar performance
  3. So im not much of a fanboy ill go for whatever will give me the best performance per dollar or whatever has a feature i need or just something in my price bracket, and ive met a CRAP LOAD of fanboys and girls that are so blinded by their love for a specific company that they could of either saved money and got the same performance or got more performance for the same price. SO i wanna hear your experiences
  4. I once had to explain to a family friend that the computer was seperate from the monitor..then he said I saw this computer for 100$.. And I was like no that's a monitor..not sure if he gets it yet
  5. Personally I like evga since their gold rated psu are fully modular and have black braided cables AND they do all this while being cheaper than corsair (at least in au not sure if it is in other countries) never have had any problems with either company though (functionality wise) but evga has more features for cheaper.
  6. Hahahaha yeah I'm trying to explain that to my friend but he thinks intel "isn't worth investing in"
  7. Makes Sense, thanks man so if we used an AMD A10 7870K do you reckon that would bottleneck the gpu?
  8. Alright so me and a friend were putting together a system and discussing possible parts so we were wanting to use a fury card but when it came to choosing a cpu he said FX 8350 I said that would bottleneck the fury so I suggested an i5 4690/6600. So I want your opinion would the 8350 bottle neck the system?
  9. so im thinking of getting the i5 6600 (nonK) and save money by getting a non z170 mb and using a stock cooler ,would that bottleneck an R9 390X ?
  10. ok im gunna trust you guys, ok so i cant find any shop in AU that has mech keyboards on display and the sampler kits are like 40$+ aka about 1/4th of the keyboard price so i need a keyboard for gaming and typing as im a student (gotta love 3000+ word essays am i right) and i have heavy hands (big hands) ive mainly been using laptop keyborads and regular rubber dome ones so any suggestions?