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  1. I didn't really know what category to put this in, so i took a shot in the dark. Earlier today I signed up for Amazon Prime's Free Trial hoping to get in on that juicy 2-Day Free Shipping for Christmas gifts, but my credit card apparently is 'invalid'. I'm assuming because they want to charge a crazy amount for use of the trial and the card is coming up short. Exact wording: Important MessageWe had a problem with the card you supplied for your Amazon Prime membership. Unfortunately, you will not receive Amazon Prime benefits until this problem is resolved. Please re-enter a preferred payment method. Anyhow, after an hour of looking for a way to cancel the damn thing, I came to no conclusion. Most online tutorials say that there should be an option on the left in your "Manage Your Prime Membership' area. However that does not appear for me, as the error message is preventing it. I just want this thing to cancel, as I have no other credit cards and don't want to have this expensive payment service silently leaching off my account. PLEASE HELP ME CANCEL! Thank you
  2. I'm in the market for a quality mp3 player for my music, as my phone is suffering from a lack of storage, and it's getting to be a pain to manage all of my songs along with all of my other important files. I'd like an ipod nano, but am not fond of the current model, and also don't really want to spend $100 for a music player. If anyone has any good suggestions for an affordable, reliable, sturdy, and generally quality mp3 player. Thanks!
  3. Is there a way to transfer photos individually? Without copying over EVERYTHING?
  4. I have an iPod 5th gen, and need to free up some space. I'd like to move certain photos to the iCloud to use the 5gb of free space, but can't figure out how to do so. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  5. I'm in the market for a new laptop, but not one that is seriously overpowered or overpriced. What I really need is an affordable, portable way to type essays and get work done while traveling and on the go. I love windows, but it tends to reside on more expensive computers, which I need to avoid. My budget is no more than roughly $400, and I only really need the bare minimum. I like the look of chromebooks though I have never used one hands on. My biggest issue with them is the annoyingly small size of the 11 inch laptops. I am a big guy and anything smaller that 13 inches is a pain to use. The only laptop I've ever owned is my Panasonic CF-52 Toughbook which has unfortunately tapped out after 8 years of overuse. I need some help. Thanks!
  6. I have a lot on my :F drive. Steam as well as all my games, and a few other programs i installed when i built my pc (Chrome, Opera, AVG, Skype, etc.)
  7. Every time I try to save to my hard drive (:F) I get the message: You don't have permission to save to this location. Contact the administrator for permission. I need to save things to this drive to stop junking up my :C drive, but this is making it impossible. There is only one account on this computer and it is listed as the administrator, yet this problem still arises. My operating system is Windows 8.1. PLEASE HELP!
  8. That's not the issue. They were originally downloaded on a different computer, but on my new one, they don't show up. Yet they still claim to be a part of my library when I go to them in the store. The show up when I download them, but I want them to show up even if they aren't downloaded, like my payed games.
  9. I just built my new gaming desktop a few days ago and just started installing my Steam library. Upon downloading the Steam client, I noticed that ALL my free games, as well as all my shared games are nowhere to be found on my games list. It's a big deal to me since I haven't really bought too many of my games due to the lack of decent computer, so a lot of progress has been built up on all my games. Does anyone know what's wrong? I looked it up on the Steam help page, but it says to go to "All Games" under the "View" tab in my Steam client, but that isn't there for me. Help please!
  10. One more thing. Should my drivers go on the :C drive?
  11. I just built a new computer, and have been messing with the software. Should I keep my ssd, with my os, listed as C: drive. Or should I keep my hard drive (currently listed as New Volume :F) as the C: drive, or should it be something else. I want my hard drive to be mass storage, with only a couple intense games earning a spot on my ssd. What should I do? Also if anyone knows a way to direct ALL downloads to hdd instead of ssd, please tell me. Thanks!