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About Fusion

  • Birthday Aug 13, 1997

Contact Methods

  • Steam
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  • PlayStation Network
  • Twitch.tv
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Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Programming and CS:GO
  • Biography
    Love to help people and code.
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer


  • CPU
  • Motherboard
    H94 Pro something
  • RAM
    8GB Ripjaw X 1600
  • GPU
    ASUS 960 SSC 2GB
  • Case
  • Storage
    60GB SSD + 500GB WDB
  • PSU
    ModX 600w
  • Display(s)
    ASUS VG248QE 144Z, VIZIO M220MV
  • Cooling
    NIC F4
  • Keyboard
    Blackwidow Ultimate
  • Mouse
    Chroma Deathadder
  • Sound
    Logitech G430
  • Operating System
    Windows 10
  1. Sadly I don't think what you want to do is possible, the closest you can get to this is a switch case. Select Case Value Case 1 picPostion1.Image = picPlayer.Image Exit Select Case 2 picPostion2.Image = picPlayer.Image Exit Select Case 3 picPostion3.Image = picPlayer.Image Exit SelectEnd Select It's a tad bit better than a if else tree but sadly I don't think you can do what you want Sorry if I am wrong
  2. Well with user submitted images it's really tough. But I am sure they can do it they got the money for the staff!
  3. Yea these aren't the most upto date but the Alpha makes the white text stand out on pure white layouts. Also this is 1080,700 something so it's gonna look a tad small. It's pretty large on a S3 I can show some real Screenshots later.
  4. Terms violation probably nudity or something. Who honestly knows.
  5. At the moment iFunny is off the play store I am trying to launch while it's down.
  6. Well it's Java, It is an app like iFunny. C++ most likely cannot be on mobile. Also it's called an emulator. You know VM. that's why there is a windows cursor. Thanks.
  7. Hey guys, Fusion. I am making a new application for Android devices I used Java ofcourse I was wondering what you guys think. Here is a main overview: Here is the login screen, this will pop when a users goes to like or comment when you aren't logged in: Here is the register screen: Here is what happens when you change pictures: Here are the comments; The animation: With a comment Please let me know what you think, you can also upload photos from a URL!
  8. ESEA Invite is Pro, ESEA Premier is like retired Invite/pre invite players, ESEA Main is also good players, ESEA IM is the run of the muck 11-12RWS player, ESEA Open is just a bunch of ppl wanting to play more comp. CEVO-P is like Invite, CEVO-M is like ESEA Open/IM(no joke lmao) CEVO-IM is like trash. CEVO-Open is like silver 2s.
  9. Fusion

    Csgo players

    One tip, never pick up a pros playing style, invent your own. Be that random player that actually outplays it's opposition. I am a SMFC and played in CEVO-M and ESEA-O, I actually found it really easy to predict people, awpers mostly, they all used to try to play like JW, same spots and all. AKs used to like to hold the SAME angle, for example on D2 the headshot spot on ramp. Nuke on the ramp going to lower head glitching, mirage left side windowed crouched down or crouched in Connector. Cache gene/headshot/Fork and above fork. Inferno crouching at the end of car. It's just too eazy, I could prefire everyone almost everytime that's only as T, on CT it's even EASIER to predict the Ts just in short, don't try to play like a pro, invent your own style! Peak like GOD himself. It's gonna be hard but there are different ways to peak each corner, just don't be that guy who crab walks out scoped with AWP. Also another tip, learn to trace heads, I see a lot of people struggle. Also spraying. Don't spray too much, that's where I started to lose my touch.1 tap is the only way . Good lucK! When you get to Nova level or so (Nova 2) join CEVO, when you get to MGE to DMG join ESEA.
  10. Actually sadly it happened today..I am just gonna buy a new GPU. Need a new one anyway
  11. Seems to have yes. Wanted to be sure about it! Solved thank you very much!
  12. Found 13.9. Installing now!
  13. Yea I thought so to. But the fans all work. BUt I am gonna try @ProdigyzMinded idea and see if it doesn't crash. Will update thread soon! Thanks all for responses.
  14. Exactly what is happening! I love you! Is there a site I can get 13.9 from? Or are they on AMD?