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  1. I'm more a rookie than anything else in this AMD's future prediction game. However I do think they don't know how to market their brand to the gamer non-tech savvy public. To me, this is just a factor and certainly not the only reason of AMD's downfall. Let me explain my vision of the thing : Many popular games have been developped/advertised in partnership with Nvidia : UT 2003, UT 2004, UT 3, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Call of Duty (I,II,IV,V, MW3 BO I,II,III, Ghosts )GTA IV, Age of Mythology, Deus Ex IW, the Far Cry franchise, LOTR Battle for Middle-Earth, Splinter Cell games, Dawn of War, Battlefield (2,3, Hardline), the Sims 2 and 3, Lego Star Wars, Age of Empire III, Fear I and II, Doom 3, The elder scrolls (IV,V, online), Company of Heroes, Just Cause (I,II,III) Warhammer Mark of Chaos, Quake IV, Crysis (I&II), Fallout 3 and 4, Bioshock 1 and 2, Witcher 2 and 3, Assassin's Creed (I,III,IV,V,VI), Batman Arkham Knight/Asylum/City/Origins, Borderlands (I,II,prequel), Civilisation (IV&V), Darksouls II, Hitman (Blood Money and contracts), League of Legends, Metro 2033 (LL too), Starcraft II, Trackmania... (Complet list here) These games at one point have the Nvidia brand on it, whether through sponsoring events, intro video prior to the game menu, game development, or simply having an Nvidia sticker on the case of the game. This strategy of advertisment from Nvidia started in 2002 with the "Way it's meant to be played program" (learn more here). Thus I became accustomed to see and hear about Nvidia through the games I played during my whole life from childhood, long before I became a tech savvy person. AMD only started to have a similar approach with "AMD Gaming Evolved", a marketing/games developping program that only started in 2012, and includes many less games than Nvidia's marketing program. When I talk to my gamers friends who aren't into hardware, they say that they want a "beefy GTX" in their next computer. This isn't because they think that AMD's R9s are worst, but simply because they haven't heard AMD existed in the first place ! When they happen to wander in a computer store, the vast majority of the prebuilds/laptops they see bear a Nvidia stamp. This increases even more their trust in Nvidia whom they've known for years and their mefiance across AMD whom they've have heard very little. I am not a Nvidia or an AMD fanboy, though I would be sad to see AMD go since I believe competition is always healthy to the consumer. [TL;DR] AMD current state in the market might be partially due to their lack of advertisment to the general gamer public. I'm not an AMD nor Nvidia fanboy.