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  1. Then would you be able to recommend some good Internet resources? It's doesn't have to be a book. As long as it's something that covers syntax from basics and have good exercises would be great.
  2. I'm looking for a good book to learn C++ programing language. I am about to start third year in college doing computer science and next semester we will start learning C++ in the software development class. The first two years we learned Java so I'm familiar with some programing concepts. What is the best book to give me a jump start in C++ before the semester starts?
  3. Given this table- drop table casting; drop table shows; drop table dancers; create table Shows( Show_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Title VARCHAR2(30), Composer_Name VARCHAR2(30), Genre VARCHAR2(10), Primary Key (Show_ID) ); create table Dancers( Dancer_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Dancer_Name VARCHAR2(30), Country VARCHAR2(20), Primary Key (Dancer_ID) ); create table Casting( Show_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Dancer_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Character_Name VARCHAR2(30), Primary Key (Show_ID, Dancer_ID), Foreign Key (Show_ID)references Shows, Foreign Key (Dancer_ID) references Dancers ); INSERT INTO Shows Values(100, 'Cats', 'Andrew Lloyd Webber', 'Fantasy'); INSERT INTO Shows Values(200, 'Les Miserables', 'Alain Boublil', 'Historical'); INSERT INTO Shows Values(300, 'Wicked', 'Stephen Schwartz', 'Fantasy'); INSERT INTO Shows VALUES(400, 'Phantom of the Opera', 'Andrew Lloyd Webber', 'Romance'); INSERT INTO Dancers Values(10, 'Sherlock Holmes', 'England'); INSERT INTO Dancers Values(15, 'Jane Austen', 'England'); INSERT INTO Dancers Values(20, 'John Knightly', 'USA'); INSERT INTO Casting VALUES (100, 10, 'Gus'); INSERT INTO Casting Values (200, 15, 'Fantine'); INSERT INTO Casting Values (300, 20, 'Wizard'); INSERT INTO Casting Values (400, 15, 'Christine'); How would you query this: a. List the show titles and composers’ names of all shows with the dancers from England
  4. The distance between thumb and ring fingers is the same and I definitely cant use a mouse with my left hand! I did that for a couple of month when my right hand was healing a couple years ago after I cut off my index finger and I did'n't get used to it! And thanks for the previous posts, it looks like the G602 should work fine!
  5. Hey! I need an advice about a mouse! I am looking to buy a mouse (I will use it for games and Photoshop and other things) but I have one problem: I am missing an an index finger on my right hand (and I am right handed). I am looking at Logitech G602 wireless gaming mouse and I was wondering if someone who has this mouse can try to use it using their middle finger for the left button and ring finger for the right button and let me know how comfortable you will find it! Or could anyone suggest a mouse that would be good for in my case! I prefer a wireless mouse since I will used it with a laptop but I am open for wired option too! Many thanks!!!